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sixsense 11-22-2001 12:04 AM

Female Ejaculation?
I know its rare, but have any of the woman here experienced this?

Note that this of course is not the same as peeing during sex. Forgive my ignorance of terminlogy.. but certain glands retain fluids and can release it during an orgasm. Sometimes with such force as to even go further than a male ejaculation.

Ok enough facts.. yes, I find this quite sexy. I wish all woman had the chance to experience it.

I have heard that some men and woman don't understand this and are afraid of it, but it is a natural process and can increase the oragasmic stimuli.

Prophet Reality 11-22-2001 09:36 PM

Well, as a guy I have not been with a woman that could do it. But would like to though. I find it very sexy and erotic.

sixsense 11-23-2001 03:24 PM

Some people think its an urban myth, but it is an actual fact.

Nubian 11-24-2001 09:47 PM

Definitely a fact!
The first time this happened with my wife, I did indeed think it was pee because of the copious amount of fluid that was released. I spoke to a close friend of mine, who is older and wiser, and he set me straight. Strange thing though, it has only occured maybe four or five times (and always when I insert my fingers in her vagina while simultaneously nibbling on her clitoris).

sweet16babygirl 11-25-2001 07:22 AM

Well, I kept practicing and last week around my 6th orgasm, I did it!!!! It was an amazing orgasm and I felt like this gush and then my sheets were really wet...The orgasm was one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had...I felt like I just pushed the orgasm out of my body and wooooosh....the ejaculation came with it! :p

Keep practicing girls! It's really fun!:D


sixsense 11-25-2001 04:40 PM

Good for you!

Thats awesome, you must make a tutorial explaining to woman how they can come to do this.


And to all the woman out there who are jsut watching this thread. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It's something to be proud of. :)

If your lover can't see this, than find someone better.

Fallen_Angel 11-25-2001 05:39 PM

Before you start telling us girls to relax, female ejaculation is very rare. Only a handfull of women can do it. It's more in the way your organs are made. Some women can practice all they want and it will never happen. I looked at that tutuorial and couldn't help but laugh at some of the stuff said. If you can come that's great, but don't feel bad if you can't.

pje 11-25-2001 06:11 PM

I agree with angel,besides trying to get a woman to ejaculate even if she doesn't is all the fun in the world.It just gives ya more to keep shooting at.

Fallen_Angel 11-25-2001 07:49 PM

Well thanks. I think women or men get too focused on the act of cumming that all the enjoyment is lost. It can be hard to explain sometimes to guys that not all women can cum. They sometimes tend to think that if the women didn't cum than they didn't do a "good enough" job.

Glyndwr 11-25-2001 08:10 PM

Hi angel

I blame these magazines like cosmopolitan, they let the cat out of the bag that women could have orgasms, and now you all want one!!! It's tough on us guys, but I'll keep trying. ;)

Fallen_Angel 11-25-2001 08:26 PM

Oh don't get me wrong I can have orgasms just fine, and they're quite enjoyable I just don't "cum". I get plenty wet though. It's true though, you hear about women squirting and everything all over the place. I just don't really believe it though. I tend to think it's a bunch of hype. You never know though. I have no problem having tons of orgasms though :)

Prophet Reality 11-26-2001 01:34 AM

To sweet16babygirl.... Thanks for the link to the tutorial. Now I know to go about trying to give this pleasure to a woman. To Angel, I agree with pje, even if the woman can't ejaculate, it is all fun trying though.

I have tried with a few ex-g/f's and was only lucky with one. And she became totally addicted to the feeling. But I sure as hell had fun trying with all the others.

And for the next lady in my life, well I will try with her as well and if it happens wonderful. If not, oh well we will have fun trying I am sure.

Glyndwr 11-26-2001 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Fallen_Angel
I have no problem having tons of orgasms though :)

Good for you angel, ever felt the urge to share the experience with a few good friends? ;) ;)

pje 11-26-2001 08:41 PM

Yeah Angel,you love having orgasms and we love given them.

sixsense 11-27-2001 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Fallen_Angel
I just don't really believe it though. I tend to think it's a bunch of hype.

I realize most woman can't do this. But it is a scientific fact that some can. You did look at the link sweet16 provided (the background not the how too)? Just because you never experienced something doesn't neccesarily mean it doesn't exist. As you said some woman can't orgasm, yet do those woman deny that most can? I am not putting anyone down whether than can or not, just interested knowing about those who can.

There was this video from the (I believe) mid 80's in which a group of woman went on and proved that this was indeed possible by masturbating each other until ejaculation. I have seen bits and pieces from it. That sure isn't pee coming out.

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