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IAKaraokeGirl 03-04-2003 09:26 AM

***On the road again***
As some of you know, I took a trip this weekend to visit a friend about 600 miles away. Yesterday, on the drive home, I noticed a large truck speed up on my right, then keep pace with me for a minute. I looked up in time to see the truck driver practically run his rig off the road trying to get a better look at me...or at least become a candidate for a neck brace from cranking his head back as much as he could. ;)

It *was* amusing, and it got me to thinking:

How many of you pay attention to the guys/girls you see driving on the road, and how much of that is "sexual" attention?

What makes you notice another driver? (It's not like it's the middle of summer--I was wearing a sweater and jeans yesterday. Was it the fact I was driving alone with out-of-state plates? Or something else?)

Have you ever given another road traveler "the eye?" Or more? Let's hear the details! ;)

Lilith 03-04-2003 10:27 AM

I will be in heaven soon as I will be in the proximity of a large number of bikers.......and me with a Biker/Leather fetish :o Leather and long hair on a tanned biker will catch my eye every time.

BlondeCurlGirl 03-04-2003 11:14 AM

In Madison, one of our major roads snakes all the way from the east side downtown to our state capitol. Since it is many miles long, high school kids always cruise down it looking to hook up with others on Fri and Sat nights. You'll even find some adults who are really too old to be doing that sometimes, too.

Well, I was one of those high schoolers who'd go out there on occasion with a pack of my friends and go crusing up and down it looking to get a wave or something more from guys who might end up next to us at a stoplight.

The most outrageous thing that we've seen was a middle age man jacking off to the car full of girls next to him (that'd be us!). That definitely made us take notice. You'd also get the guys who'd pull up next to you and make some sort of obscene sexual gesture, or who'd roll down the window and yell at you for your phone # or to get someone to flash them. Lots of sexual attention!

Otherwise, you'd just pull up and look for good looking guys in the car next door...and maybe meet them for a late night snack somewhere or a quick makeout session :)

IAKaraokeGirl 03-04-2003 11:23 AM

BCG, I *knew* there was a reason I liked Madison so much. ;)

PantyFanatic 03-04-2003 11:52 AM

.......and me with a Biker/Leather fetish...

Put the tire chains on your scoot. She’s coming to NH.:D

dude33 03-04-2003 02:53 PM

IAK, if I was on the road and saw you I would most certainly havwe whiplash!

I allways pay attention to women in cars because what else do you have to do. Besides I find it amusing when they are checking you out as well or you catch them singing! lol.

IAKaraokeGirl 03-04-2003 03:00 PM

lol @ dude33! :D

Um, yeah, I was probably guilty of the singing, too. Imagine that. :rolleyes:

Scarecrow 03-04-2003 05:38 PM

IAKG here in Ill. it is so flat and the scenery is dule so all you have to look at is the females in other vehciles.:cool:

don73153 03-05-2003 06:42 AM

As I was recently driving a truck cross-country, that high perch is good for all sorts of good viewing pleasure. Trust me deary, truckers see a lot of 'stuff' ! LOL And sometimes there's nothing more to see than a pretty smile. :)


kleclere 03-05-2003 06:35 PM

I'm with dude33 if you were there I'd look too. Had a time when I was coming from work and a car with 3 young ladies passed me. As they went by the passager flashed her tits and the one in the back mooned me. And left fast. Also at a rest plots in Germany a lady in a red ferrari pulled in got out and peed, pulled up her pants waved at us and took off.

Nice Guy 03-05-2003 07:41 PM

I generally don't try to get better looks of women when I'm driving. Mainly for that reason, I don't want to end up in the ditch.

Steph 03-06-2003 01:54 AM

You guys are lucky!! I usually only see nose pickers, which makes me avoid looking at other drivers! :)

LixyChick 03-06-2003 07:19 AM

I told about this in another forum in General Sex.....

This is right up my alley! Mmmmmmmm! I love when drivers are curious.....and I give them quite a show!

T-S 03-06-2003 07:35 AM

Originally posted by LixyChick
I told about this in another forum in General Sex.....

This is right up my alley! Mmmmmmmm! I love when drivers are curious.....and I give them quite a show!

Oh to be driving up Lixy's alley ;) :D

Stillwater 03-06-2003 07:28 PM

aye, mostly i notice a womans car.. sometimes you can spot a females wheels and immediately know that her personality has to be something. if she's got nice wheels and nice stickers and i get the chance to see the driver (wheres my glasses when i needs them) then i'll admire her.

usually it doesn't go past admiration, although one time at a stop light i looked over and noticed a nice young blonde on one of my trips to st louis. she looked over and smiled at me and almost said something when the light turned green. i would have liked to have met her at the next light but my buddy driving the truck didn't run the next light to catch her!

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