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amale 07-24-2002 03:17 AM

Does Women Lose Interest In Sex ?

Grumble 07-24-2002 05:00 AM

my wife lost interest in sex and me, after our second child, thats why she in now my ex. she was 31 at the time :(

Samantha 07-24-2002 06:14 AM

someone told me that he read research saying that women get hornier and better orgasms as they age unlike guys, and they get become more sexually active around 30. Im not really sure if its true or not.

amale 07-24-2002 06:17 AM

but samantha what happens after 40s

dick 07-24-2002 06:44 AM

Wife is pushing 60 and i'm happy to report the sex is better than ever.
:) :D :p

vampeyes 07-24-2002 08:55 AM

I think that anyone can loose interest in sex women or men..... its unfair to generalize while some women may loose interest we have plenty of Pixies women in the 40s and some past that have definitely not lost interest and some of us have spouses be they male or female that have no matter what the age...

skipthisone 07-24-2002 09:03 AM

I agree with vampeyes that we should not generalize, i think most of loss of interest is in the mind. Some people just choice to put it way down the priority list, and lets face life can get in the way of sex. Sometimes you just want to sleep, after days filled with work, dumbass people, kids and all the stressors we face. Sometimes the mood is just not there.

Now on the other hand my theory is just the opposite. Sex to me is the greatest stress reliever. What is better after a long stressful day than a nice romp in the hay before bed time. You should always be able to fall asleep with a smile on your face.

Clint 07-24-2002 11:03 AM

I agree with vampeyes.................Also, I might add, that it seems like people are becoming more sexually open and more sexually active as time goes on........maybe we're reaching a new height in the peaks of the human sexuality. :D


pje 07-24-2002 02:26 PM

yeah sex is becoming a lot more open these days.Before it was like a forbidden thing to see or talk about but these days the more the better.

andrew 07-24-2002 05:27 PM

I'm not sure about age - could be linked to social pressure (real or percieved) or lifestyle.

Your brain (as is so often pointed out here) is the most powerful sex organ. We can all do the physical but it becomes great sex, passionate sex, love-making when it is emotional and mental - though sometimes a wild fuck for fucks sake can be tres sexy.


Why not ask the lady your into?

Sugarsprinkles 07-24-2002 07:01 PM

Some women as they approach menopause, or "change of life" as it's sometimes called, do lose interest in sex. She HAS NO CONTROL over this! This happened to me and it lasted for about 10 yrs. It's because of the change in hormone levels. It can happen as early as their 30's. It just depends on each individual woman. For lack of a better way to describe the changing hormone levels you could say it's like puberty in reverse, which I guess it is.
And SOME women never do regain their desire. Others, like myself, regain it very unexpectedly and even stronger than it was prior to menopause.
Then there is the woman who either regains or never loses her desire and regardless of how turned on she gets her lubrication is not there any more. I think this is the most common sexual complaint of "older" women. But fortunately many companies are now marketing a variety of "personal lubrications".

I hope this in some small way answers your question, amale.

lixnlix69 07-24-2002 07:02 PM

amale........I am 44. I have had a child but did not raise him. He is gone, (different story). But I have a theory. I think children wear you out faster. I think a woman's mind set is with that child/children and so a sexual relationship may get put on the back burner till they leave the nest. It exists (the sex) but the full attention is lost for a while. And even after they leave the nest it may never resume the full potential it was in the beginning.

As for me and hubby (a childless couple), we have no distractions and therefore we are extremely sexual and have been for nearly 14 years! We go at it like bunnies at times. I am not saying it doesn't wane. I think that there are times that he would like more or times when I would, but for the most part we have a wonderful sex life. My sexual appetite has never been stronger! I think as I age I become more aware of what it is that I really like and need. I love sex and I love exploring my wants and needs alone and along with hubby. If I had a child I would probably not focus on my feelings and needs as much as I would his/hers.

Just a theory.....but it is my experience!

Mrs. Lix

amale 08-13-2002 05:11 AM

need more response

dntsmoke 08-13-2002 11:55 AM

sorry not a female response, but my wife and I are very active (she is 33). We do go through slow times and very active times, but always the love is there.......sometimes its true, "the best sex is between the ears" If you have a great sex life, it might have alot to do with the relationship with your so.
my 2 cents

Fondle You 08-24-2002 03:50 PM

I wish life was like "Elimidate Deluxe", where women would do almost anything to get a man. :(

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