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Lilith 09-21-2007 08:26 PM

Do you know one like her? She's the woman that all the men insist they would have nothing to do with. They can see through her transparent ways. They claim they never would get involved with someone like her who is so self-involved and self-centered. They say it would be hell to be her man, the one she cucks while she contemplates bedding other men. They speak of her as conceited or even neurotic.


if she bats her eyes and smiles their way, they go weak in the knees and fall at her feet.

Do you know this woman?

I've known her my whole life. When I say her, I mean a variety of her(s). She's the same woman just in different bodies and men who seem to be rational and even intelligent will give up everything just for a few seconds of her attention. Why? What is it that these women possess? In all regards they are not typically even a nice person, not necessarily smokin' hot, and the men know she doesn't play for keeps but still they are temporarily blinded by the thought that she may for one instant consider them worthy. It's not confidence because these women are usually very shallow and insecure so what magic spell do they know that us mere mortal women werenever taught?

Tell me have you known a woman like this?

IowaMan 09-21-2007 08:36 PM

Yep, I've known that woman. A couple of them over the years actually. And I can't claim that my willpower (for lack of a better term) always survived the batting of her eyes or her smile. Unfortunately, I don't have an explanation as to why. :(

Cheyanne 09-21-2007 09:29 PM

Yes. We have one at work. I don't know how she does it, but when she bats her big browns, she gets what she wants all the time. She doesn't like strong, confident women, or women in a position of any perceived power. She doesn't like me at all - which is ok by me because I don't particularly like her.

She doesn't do a good job at what she does - she is self centered and a snob. She treats those she considers lower class than her like vermin (adult and child alike), but if she thinks you have money then that is different. She has the newest everything while others go without. If she isn't happy with her newest everything, she wants newer. And she gets it. She is manipulative and sneaky. She starts things but manages to stay away enough from it that she isn't the one blamed. The men defend her, the women either try to be on her side or avoid her.

She is referred to as being high-maintenance by men and women alike, but the men just flock around her. Perhaps she emits some sort of pheromone?

I don't know Lil - I do know that at this time in my life other than my disgust with men who respond to her knowing that they will be used, and my lack of respect for her using her 'secret power' to get ahead, I have no time for her. When I was younger, women like that intimidated me.

Oldfart 09-21-2007 10:06 PM

Good morning class.

Today's word of the day is "pheromones".

These chemicals are a class of compound exuded by animals to attract mates.

In microgram quantities they can be devastatingly effective, with some moths and dragonflies able to attract mates from tens of miles downwind.

scotzoidman 09-21-2007 10:57 PM

I hear about "her" just about every day from the missus. How she never does any work that she doesn't want to do, doesn't have to show up for work if she doesn't feel like it, the (male) bosses do nothing about her, blah, blah, blah.

We as males are helpless to resist her, or any woman for that matter, due to a few eons of genetic programming; all women have this power to manipulate, tho some are unaware of it. What she has that you other women don't have is that total lack of scruples to use & abuse that power.

Just my take on the subject...

Casperr 09-22-2007 02:13 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
Today's word of the day is "pheromones"

No, it's much more than that.

In my experience, it's usually manipulation. Often learned in teenage years (the girl who always escaped detention with a bat of her eye) and practiced in college and work. Sometimes it's an ability they're conscious of other times they're innocently, nay naively, unaware of it.

But it always spells disaster.

citrus 09-22-2007 03:09 AM

She had "Her" way with me no less than ten times. Each one was deceptively simple. I was simply deceived. Regardless, I gave all and was left bewildered. "Her" ploy was to ensnare me with the lure of needing a security and safety which I was most eager to satisfy. Now, I need the safety and security. I have no need of Her.

Fangtasia 09-22-2007 06:12 AM

Yep i've met her (and incidently a male version, a him *L*)...and she's a bitch...and definately not my favorite person

Mark Vieth 09-22-2007 07:14 AM

Yeah I knew a couple of them in high school. It's all about the power trip for them, nothing more. They know that they can control any given situation. But it's funny you tie them up and get them to be submissive and everything goes out the window........

IM1469 09-22-2007 12:04 PM

Yup, she was known as my sister in law. After she rearranged the family as to her liking and set us off against one another, guess who vanished the scene???

rabbit 09-22-2007 08:47 PM

OMG, yes. I have seen several. Never a good thing to see.

osuche 09-23-2007 12:15 PM

I've met a couple, but I never needed to work or live with them...I guess I have been blessed.

WildIrish 09-24-2007 08:52 AM

If we knew what she had, we wouldn't be spellbound would we?

I know her. I've seen her in action with others, and I know better. But some part of me needs to be validated. I'm still sexy, right? Am I still funny? Do I make people think? I must know. But the secret is...I'll never know. She'll never give an answer that I believe. Maybe that's the power. The ability to field questions without answering them.

axe31 10-01-2007 07:20 PM

yes me and a mate were in a supermarket queing up
to pay when up she struts starts flirting with my mate
can i just get in front of you guys he lookes at her and says
"Erm No" she lookes shocked and storms off in a huff
so see not all guy fall for it
my mate is strong of will and oh also he's

gay :)

Irezumi Kiss 10-01-2007 08:09 PM

Luckily I know myself better in my 30s than I did in my 20s, when I let "her" and other "hers" fuck with my head, heart and cock waaaaay too much...

I smile when I see "her" now, check out her jiggle and bounce, maybe she inspires me to do something creative, but she holds no idiot-inducing sway over me like she used to, thanks to the dual prisons of not being able to financially compete and being comfortable inside my own world most of the time since I can't afford to do much anymore anyway!

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