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Lilith 08-29-2006 05:01 AM

Slip Slidin' Away
This morning as I sat here at Pixies alone, completely alone. I was shocked and disheartened to see I was really alone. No members, no guests.

I have noticed a dramatic drop in posts and new threads as well. Is it possible that we have run out of things to say? Are people just too busy to bother anymore?

At first I blamed the time of year but it usually picks up. We have always praised the community when things were busy and humming along. What about when it's not? Being stagnant is not a good thing for a forum community.

One problem I know is that Kim used to pimp links to our site on other sites to keep fresh visitors coming and that no longer happens. Another problem has been the change of chat to smaller and less frequented networks (originally we were on a huge sex based one).

I guess I'm asking for your opinion and some advice. How can we keep the place we love so much fresh and inviting?

Oldfart 08-29-2006 05:50 AM

What can we do that won't alter the site to something no longer us?

maddy 08-29-2006 05:54 AM

I noticed it too Lilith. And I'm guilty of posting less these days. Not because I enjoy pixies less, I've just found myself with less to say. I still am here every day reading the threads and posting if something comes to my mind.

I'm not sure it's anything to act upon yet as I see enough fresh blood coming through.

I'm guessing quite a few members are having life happen and keeping them here less frequently. Hopefully, their lives will settle back down again soon and they will be back to their flurries of posts.

dicksbro 08-29-2006 06:56 AM

Not sure what it takes to get people back and posting. I love Pixies and unless I'm gone (or my computer's broke), I'm here a lot. I know I tend to spend most of my time in either the Smut Games or in General Chat, but I try to make the rounds every so often just to see what's happening.

Biggest positives are things that tend to bring a smile to my face. Sharing about PAGAN or games that are simply fun or things that are happening to us in our lives. Those are great and seem to build a sense of community. Pictures and stories I think are the biggest potential draw for new members, but once they visit, they need something that'll make them feel at home.

Biggest turn-off's for me are "political" or "social issue" threads. I don't mean simply a short reaction to some major event like a hurricane or 911 or something like that ... but ... attempts to project personal philosophies. We're a diverse community and while what we say may appeal to some, it's liable to drive others away. I've tried to intentionally stay away from these threads because a couple of times ... they almost caused me to leave. By focusing to what I enjoy and that relaxes me ... I ended up staying ... but it would have been easy to go.

I'm concerned that politics, religion and social issues are not topics that will give visitor's very warm feelings about making Pixies their "home."

Just my opinion for whatever that's worth.

jseal 08-29-2006 07:08 AM


I think that anatagonistic language and personal attacks may be a bit of a turrn off for some.

wyndhy 08-29-2006 08:24 AM

it may be that what db and jseal say is true, but imho those things are all part of life and human interaction. i love that we can talk about anything, not just sex. and it keeps things more interesting for me, not less; more like a friend's house, and less like a red-light district. perhaps that wasn't the original intentions of this great place and perhaps the majority of us would rather it be pictures and stories. i can dig that but i sure would miss being able to chat about whatever comes to mind with my friends, instead of looking at you all as sex objects. i dunno...i really think it would suck the life out of this place.

if, in the past, it was the custom to pimp pixies and that's what kept the new members coming in, then that should be done again. don't worry about the riffraff it may attract or how those new members may change pixies. you and the other mods put the kibosh on shitty behavior anyway and set the friendly tone that this forum is famous for. there is no reason to think it would be any different in the future. besides, change is good and just because pimping may attract some people who don't share the friendly views most of us have bout each other does not mean it won't attract like-minded people as well.

please understand that i am not trying to be insulting to you db, jseal or of. the above is just the opinion of a person that found this site totally by accident and was shocked to discover that it isn't smut and sex and nude pictures. it's friends and people being sexual and kind and mean and opinionated and loving and neighborly and caring and not-so-caring and...well, they're being people.


jseal 08-29-2006 08:51 AM


No offense taken madam.

WildIrish 08-29-2006 09:00 AM

I admit, I'm really gun-shy about pimping Pixies. I used to be a big part of a forum that went to hell when it joined forces with a site and became one of a hundred "places to go" for those members. There were distinct differences in that there weren't pictures or stories. There weren't games. There just was a variety of sex discussion sections, each with threads posted within. The site was also unmoderated and one had the ability to post a comment under any name they chose to make up. With that anonymity ( :huh: ) came a shitty attitude prone to flaming.

I was introduced to Pixies by MichaelSmith. Michael was my cohort at the other site and we interacted a lot before he passed me the link here. I can honestly say that I'm not at any other site with enough frequency, or close to anyone elsewhere like I am to those that touch me here. If I were...I'd invite them here.

Soooooo.....uh.....the only people I know well enough to recommend Pixies to.......are Pixies! :(

Some would say I need to get out more. I contest that I would if I needed something Pixies didn't have.

Maybe I'll have my mom pass the link around her sewing circle. :D

scotzoidman 08-29-2006 09:00 AM

I have been concerned about the dead air in chat lately, don't have any ideas about how to pump it up either...I've noticed the overall slowdown in the site as well, but like OF, I don't know that any policy change wouldn't affect the closeness we have...sometimes I eagerly sign on, hoping for something the pique my interest, & suddenly find myself with nothing to say...or at least nothing that hasn't been said before...

WildIrish 08-29-2006 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by scotzoidman
find myself with nothing to say...or at least nothing that hasn't been said before...

Say it anyway...I have no short term memory. :p

lizzardbits 08-29-2006 09:08 AM

I know that I am guilty of being a slacker in posting recently. When I was over with Mayhem, I rarely touched the computer (I was too busy touching him)

I think that my personal lack of posting comes from stress in real life. when things are going well, you can't hardly shut me up. I was a chat-room addict, and a smut gamer extraordinaire. Now with Mayhem and I jumping through 290384670924569867 hoops just to get married, and the worries of jobs, housing, education, et cetera, well, makes me clam up.

I miss the way it was before the US gov't decided to infringe on our rights and make posting sexy pictures more difficult. That made things die down around here, I noticed.

as for suggestions on how to liven it up? I can't tell ya... my brain feels a bit bloated at the moment. I'll think on it and post back at ya.

I think that once things really start to move for Mayhem and I, that I will be a happy poster again...:D

scotzoidman 08-29-2006 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
Say it anyway...I have no short term memory. :p

Me too...say what anyway?

moose 08-29-2006 09:54 AM

i visit pixies evey night and go through the general posts, i find this site excellent and dont really see any need for change as they say people come and people go as their intrests change, i am sure however that more people will find this site and join in at some stage (i was luking in the back ground for around 2 years before i joined). and i must say however the only thing for me is the times i have posted i get very little responce so i kinda feel like i am left out of the conversation so therefore i tend not to post other than to add to a birthday thread, so dont anyone take my comments the wrong way as these are just my thoughts

WildIrish 08-29-2006 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by scotzoidman
Me too...say what anyway?

What anyway. :p

dicksbro 08-29-2006 09:57 AM

I also took no offense, wyndhy. Like I said, I basically try to avoid threads that are too political. On the other hand, I enjoy reading and sharing about the lives of our fellow pixies. That does, I think, build community.

Pita 08-29-2006 10:12 AM

I pimp out Pixies as much as I can. I have given this link to many friends that I have met on other boards. Some stay and become a major part of us and others come once and never again. I am choosy however on who I give the link to. Pixies is family and I don't want just anyone sitting on my sofa and eating my chocolate. ;)

I'm much like DB. Must be why I like him so much. :D I play the games and make my rounds to see what there is to yack about.

I do like the more touchier topics because it's fun or informative to read others opinions on touchy subjects that affect us all.

What I'm guilty of and I think many of us are is that we come here and expect there to be threads to post on. What we fail to do is start some threads of our own. I know Lilith is the best at starting threads to get us going and I want to issue a challenge to all Pixies to begin starting threads. If each us just did one a week we would have plenty to say. :huh:

WildIrish 08-29-2006 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by TinglingTess
I want to issue a challenge to all Pixies to begin starting threads.

Do requests for :boobs: count? :p

mildy kinky cpl 08-29-2006 10:16 AM

being newbies still, we haven't noticed that the post rate has gone down any. and although we have found everybody friendly, we are still a little shy on beginning new threads. we are having a lot of fun though & find we are both logging on everyday.

Irish 08-29-2006 10:18 AM

I have been a member here since 2001.The few Old-Time Pixies that are left,
might remember that I'm also a 10% disabled VN Vet.I spilled my blood,partially to give people the right to Free Speech.In respose to a post,of
Who do you mistrust most?Iran or N.Korea.An anwser was given by a moderator-Neither!I mistrust OUR Govt. the most.I haven't posted since &
still feel the same way.People have the right of Free Speech but I joined for
enjoyment & I don't support those views!Everyone has the right to their
opinions,but I disagree.By the way,I am neither Dem or Republican.My wife &
I are registered Independants.I have never had a regret over my disabilty,but
this attitude almost makes me wonder.One thing that I can say is that
I've never changed my mind to make the popularity list! Irish :kissass:
P.S.Sorry,but the question was asked!

Pita 08-29-2006 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
Do requests for :boobs: count? :p

I'll show you mine if you show me yours. :ewe:

imaginewithme 08-29-2006 11:07 AM

I know for myself it's just not been as easy to sit and play here as I once did. Some people have a hard time with hearing that, but a mobile baby controls me now ;)

Like some of the others said, I'm not interested in coming here to talk politics or religion It's personal to me and I just don't come to an adult forum to discuss that stuff, besides it just makes someone upset.

I love to play the smut games, no harm done there at all.

I just recently shared the site with a long time friend, but haven't really trusted anyone else to know all my business....

I've tried to start up new threads but they aren't as popular as others. We just all need to do our part in keeping this place going.


TinTennessee 08-29-2006 01:11 PM

I have noticed the same changes and have mentioned them to other, hoping it was just the time of year and when the weather cooled off and kids were back in school, things would pick up. Pixies has become a home away from home for me and I love the people that I share it with. I have told a few people about Pixies, but only very special people.

Fangtasia 08-29-2006 01:39 PM

As part of the furniture *LOL*...yep Pixies has slowed....but don't panic honestly

It's just going through a 'changing of the guard' moment is all...seen it before and i'm sure i'll see it again...older regs move off and new regs move in

Dunno bout the the other OLD as dirt REGS here...but my life has got busy...i hardly get online let alone to Pixies...though i do try to get here at least once a day

There is a different trend though that i dont like....there are more and more controversial threads appearing...and while i certainly like a good debate :D....opinions are like assholes....we all got one and some smell bad to others *LOL* Bring back some lighthearted stuff and people will follow..

One thing i will add.....Members need to get off their ass and post new threads....not expect the same old regs to start things for them....to keep them amused....the regs need some amusement too and it does get hard for the same people to keep coming up with fresh topics....

Maybe go dig through the archives and bump up some older stuff, for the newer members to post there thoughts too??

Lilith 08-29-2006 03:42 PM

Thanks for your views everyone. I really appreciate the feedback.

alspals69 08-29-2006 03:45 PM

It's an interesting observation.

At the time i tend to log on (between 9 and 10pm UK time) Pixies is almost totally dead. I have frequently been here and there has been no post in over an hour. On some occasions i have posted and filled up a full page of new posts without another name breaking it up.

The reason I originally started visiting Pixies, was because by the time i stopped being Mr Family Man each evening, it was too late to do much with my hobby (writing and recording music). It was great to see the banter in smut games and i loved it dearly. I do love it still when it it is busyer. And the adult side of things was rather appealing too of course. ;)

I have got so fond of some people. But things are changing for me. My youngest is nearly 10 and likes to hog the computer as much as me. And I find I am not doing anything constructive as i appear to be addicted to Pixies even when it is dead!

Now i regularly kick my own ass and make myself do other stuff, leaving pixies up and running, intermitantly looking to see whats happening. I even started to get the music thing happening again. But the result is that I hardly post any more.

A couple of weeks back I even asked Lillith if it was possible to delete my ID to force myself to be more sensible in how I used my time. I will be suprised if i leave Pixies entirely... I am far too adicted, but lately it has become more like another place i go to check my mail. And of course, as i'm not very active these days, even my pm box is feeling rather rested, lol.

Now this isn't a complaint please note... just an observation of how changes in life effect things and how weak willed i am!!!!

It surely has to be true that new blood is needed to keep things interesting and stop it dying out altogeather eventually.

osuche 08-29-2006 04:06 PM

I'm still posting regularly, but I often feel a bit guilty about posting because I will come in and there are few if any new posts. I feel like I am dominating the Boards, so I go away for several hours or a day to wait for someone else to speak. Not much happened while I was only intermittently available during my vacation. I've tried to start a few new threads here recently beacuse I had sensed the slowdown.

Personally, I have tried to be a bit more upbeat -- I used to use Pixies to vent and I am trying not to do so as much anymore. I have not recommended any friends of mine to join Pixies, mostly because the side of me you all see is very private for me, and none of my friends see it. My persona at Pixies is a very real facet of my personality, but one I don't want to share with my RL friends. Perhaps that's selfish...but it's the truth.

What will help? Some new threads, and some new blood. Both would be a great help. If we all chip in on the threads portion, naybe we'll get new members. :-)

dicksbro 08-29-2006 05:59 PM

Did anyone notice Lil's new AV. That ought to attract some new members. :slurp:


wyndhy 08-29-2006 06:02 PM

i keep my avs off during the day - the rumpus room doesn't have a door in the new house. :D - and almost always forget to turn them on if i get a chance to visit after the kids have gone beddie-bye.

i'm sure i'm missing all kinds of sexy pictures

Lilith 08-29-2006 06:03 PM

I have them off too but decided to spice things up just a bit

wyndhy 08-29-2006 06:05 PM

*sigh* now i gotta get the kids to close thier eyes for a minute so i can chek it out. :p:D

wyndhy 08-29-2006 06:06 PM


rockintime 08-29-2006 06:58 PM

Lil, I’ve noticed the same thing re the slowdown here…not quite as many fun and dynamic threads, but I assumed it had probably always been cyclical with ups and downs (mmmm…actually I like those !!!) :hot:

Two things have reduced my time here…first, just seem to be super-busy lately, but probably more significant has been the decline in the number and variety of people in chat…the lively banter there helped me to get to know people as well as being a lot of fun…consequently I visited the threads more often.

But here's to a renewed spirit here. :cheers:

lizzardbits 08-29-2006 07:19 PM

:( I tried getting into outworld chat last night, but i couldn't get it to work :(

moose 08-30-2006 09:35 AM

DB I did :)

Coaster 08-30-2006 10:33 AM

yep yep........ doesn't Lil look tempting!!!!

I spend more time outside during the summer months... house maintainance, gardening, hiking & biking. I'm sure i'll be around more when it's cold outside.......

scotzoidman 08-30-2006 11:59 AM

I also have a prob with my timing, as far as when I can be here...my present situation as semi-retired partially disabled old homebody only leaves me the daytime hours (US CST) to browse the way I'd like, when most of the good people here are working or sleeping...

flutelady 08-30-2006 05:36 PM

I spend alot less time here than I used to. Largely because Denny and I live together and we're so busy with life, family, and each other. Partly, and this is being honest, because I oftentimes feel a bit snubbed.

Please don't beat me up for that comment. An honestly asked question deserves an honest reply.

osuche 08-30-2006 07:14 PM

((((((flutelady)))))) ~~ I always love to see you post, and I kick myself for not being able to meet you when I was visiting the Bay Area (pre-move)

Eliza 08-30-2006 07:16 PM

There have been comments like Flutelady's made before and the answer always seems to be "well you only have yourself to blame because if you put yourself out there people respond." To some degree I agree. But I've heard this exact same complaint from not only the occasional dropperbyer but also from some long standing members who have decided they no longer felt comfortable here because they didn't feel as if anyone considered their participation important..... They don't feel like one the "popular people"...... their threads were never responded to when they DID make the effort..... or even they felt like when they did express their opinions on other's threads that if they didn't go with the norm they were either ignored or picked on.

Myself I sort of agree. But not to the point that I've left. In conjunction with my now way busy Mommyhood I don't feel as comfortable here as I used to. 1. A lot of my friends don't come here anymore and 2. I think I've also been put off by the cliquish feeling that has slowly developed over the past few years. That may be in part due to the fact that a lot of regulars have become more infrequent.. so the other regulars tend to stick more together. But then we're back to why are people not here...

On the whole I've always loved the concept of Pixies and still do. I've met some great people here. One thing that also may be an issue is the whole new "picture posting rules" that scared me off for awhile. I didn't know what was safe so I didn't post pics... which usually leads to not as many people talking to you.... (sorry but it's true) My only real complaint is yes it's great to have a big fan fare welcome newby posting frenzy. But when that same newby does post...take a look at it and respond. That encourages people to continue on here.. make more posts... respond to others posts..make Pixies their home. I'm actually more concerned in keeping our current people than attracting new members. (that comes with happy members)

I know I'm treading shark infested waters by elaborating on Flutelady's post. And making my opinion known. But as she said.. Lillith asked an honest question. I'm being honest.

Okay.. now I'd like to end on a happy note so um... everyone into the hot tub!!!!! ***grope grope***

Oldfart 08-30-2006 07:33 PM

Don't be put off.

All are equally important here, though you may not feel it sometimes.

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