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Cheyanne 11-22-2003 11:36 AM

(o)(o) Burgers and Boobs (o)(o)
Even though the title of this thread suggests that perhaps I am making a jest towards breastfeeding, I am not. I feel that, if a mom chooses to breastfeed her baby, then it should be accepted in all social climates. Typically a woman who breastfeeds her baby in a public place does so in a discreet manner and doesn't just flop out the boob and the baby has at it.... (I know, as I did breast feed my youngest, and it can be done in such a manner that anyone who happens to look at you it can appear as if you are just snuggling with you baby). I applaud the burger chain for initiating this policy, and hope that many more will follow.

Burger King To Allow Breast-Feeding
Fast-Food Chain Announces New Policy Friday

POSTED: 11:32 p.m. EST November 21, 2003
UPDATED: 11:40 p.m. EST November 21, 2003

SALT LAKE CITY -- From now on, mothers who wish to breast-feed their babies are welcome to do so in Burger King restaurants.

The fast-food chain announced its new policy Friday, one day before a planned "nurse-in."

Members of an international group that promotes breast-feeding had planned the protest after a mother in suburban Salt Lake City was asked to feed her baby in a bathroom or leave the restaurant. A customer had complained to Burger King employees.

Under the new policy, employees are told if a customer complains about a mother who's breast-feeding, they are to explain that breast-feeding is permitted in the restaurant and suggest that the complaining customer move.

Burger King said its new policy had been in the works and wasn't timed to defuse the threatened protest.

Lilith 11-22-2003 11:41 AM

Re: (o)(o) Burgers and Boobs (o)(o)
Originally posted by Cheyanne

Burger King said its new policy had been in the works and wasn't timed to defuse the threatened protest.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight cause all fast food chains are concerning themselves with developing a public policy on breast feeding :spin:

My fave governor's daughter has been very active in this state in making mother's who breastfeed feel comfortable where ever they choose to do so. I applaud any efforts made to re-naturalize something that should have never been considered un-natural.

lakritze 11-22-2003 11:49 AM

I always found it very odd that generally the same people that have such a high regard for "family values" should have such a problem with mothers breast feeding their babies in public.

Steph 11-22-2003 12:43 PM

I first read that and saw "men can breastfeed".

Recently in the Toronto Star. there was a really cool artsy pic of several pregger ladies in a row with their bellies showing. The next day there was actually a letter to the editor from a woman complaining about how disgusting the pic was!!! Crazy!

LixyChick 11-22-2003 01:36 PM

If folks would just get it through their head that breasts are/have always been, first and foremost, the natural method of nurture.....and that the breast is NOT just a sexual plaything (though they do have their time and place).....then this world would be a better place!

I've never seen anything wrong with breast feeding in ANY venue. It's the perversion factor that rears it's ugly head when people begin to protest what should be a natural and usual sight. If you don't want to see my baby eat....don't f'in look, damn you! This shouldn't have ever become and issue........it's as natural as being born naked!

Oh My! How do we remedy that? Slip a slicker over the baby's head as it emerges from the birth canal? :rolleyes:

naughtyangel 11-22-2003 03:33 PM

I'm glad Burger King is actually doing something about this. It's about time that business and other people start to realize that breastfeeding is the most natural thing between a mother and child! I feel bad that the mother in question felt the need to leave the restaurant after the employee comment. I personally would have politely told said employee to "stuff it" and continued to feed my baby. In no way would I let myself be forced to feed my child in the bathroom (*blech*!). I'm sure they wouldn't ask a regular patron to eat their burger in the bathroom!

Gee, I'm getting all worked up here LOL. I recieved my fair share of disapproving looks while breastfeeding my son. The older he got, the worse and more frequent they became :rolleyes: I'm just glad I'm didn't let my child's well being get pushed aside by society's idea of what's acceptable.

*stepping down from my soapbox now* :D

gekkogecko 11-22-2003 06:05 PM

Imagine that, letting a person eat in a restaurant.
What socially enlightened times we live in.

dicksbro 11-22-2003 08:25 PM

Good for Burger King. My wife breast fed all seven of our children and it's a normal and beautiful act. About time one of our business' grew up and recognized that fact.

LixyChick 11-23-2003 01:12 PM

OMG! That is nasty.......asking a mother to feed her baby in the restroom! I just reread this thread and I'm all.......ewwwww! We don't even expect our pets to eat where they poop!

Jesus H. Christ onna bike.....what a thing to say to someone!

Teddy Bear 11-23-2003 06:47 PM

Originally posted by LixyChick
........it's as natural as being born naked!
Oh My! How do we remedy that? Slip a slicker over the baby's head as it emerges from the birth canal? :rolleyes:

OMG Lixy you kill me with some of the things you say. roflmao!! TY!!

But to the breast feeding issue... my sister-in-law is from Germany where they just whip out the boob and go at it. I picked her & her infant son up at the airport. When he was hungry she unbuttoned her shirt & nursed him in a coffee shop. She noticed the disapproving looks from people & asked me, 'Am I doing the wrong way?' We threw a recieving blanket over the baby & her shoulder but what had been natural to her was suddenly very uncomfortable.

I nursed both my babies anytime & anyplace they needed it. I lifted my shirt up from the bottom and when they were little would put them under the shirt. When they were bigger I'd tuck the shirt in around their faces so nothing showed. I remember people talking to me not even realizing I was nursing until I said something. And I'll never forget my hubby's bachelor cousin bending down to kiss the new baby's head and the look on his face when he saw what was happening. LMAO to this day!!

So I guess it's alot in how you do it and in what country. lol.
But TY to Burger King!!

teddy :)

Ryan² 12-17-2003 03:06 PM

Jesus! In ya local Burger King ya walk, ya see a red hot mother breast-feeding her baby, and you ask her to strip down! That's what'll happen.

(Either that or most boys will get on the floor and start jerking off).

zipededoo 12-17-2003 04:57 PM

Crazy that a company feels it has to make this announcement to cover up their ill treatment of a breastfeeding mother. It should be a right (if it isn't, why isn't it) to breastfeed wherever the mother wants to without persecution. It's one of the most natural and loving things to do. We should be encouraging more people to breast feed beyond the ridiculously short 6 month timespan that is currently recommended.

I'll get off my soapbox now... My pet peeve. Aww heck, y'all know how great breasts are, so I'm kinda preaching to the converted!

kleclere 12-17-2003 05:33 PM

With todays social attitude that breasts should be hidden and no shown in public. Someday the people who can't see that a woman right to feed their child where and when they want should be honored instead of thought of as sick or evil. It is the most natural of things on the earth and not not something that should be outlawed. It is like everything else in life, if you don't like to see that stuff don't look. Thanks for the soapbox.

Lilith 12-17-2003 08:22 PM

Originally posted by ukG²
Jesus! In ya local Burger King ya walk, ya see a red hot mother breast-feeding her baby, and you ask her to strip down! That's what'll happen.

(Either that or most boys will get on the floor and start jerking off).

That's ridiculous.

speedy 12-17-2003 10:33 PM

I feel discriminated against.Why only babies?

Long over due.

Teddy Bear 12-18-2003 09:21 AM

How old are you??
Originally posted by ukG²
Jesus! In ya local Burger King ya walk, ya see a red hot mother breast-feeding her baby, and you ask her to strip down! That's what'll happen.

(Either that or most boys will get on the floor and start jerking off).

That is an answer some one in high school would give. But it's true to form for you, as most of your answers are very immature. Our mods are on top of checking ages, so I have to guess that your old enough to be here..... but its clear you have alot of growing up to do.

Lilith 12-18-2003 09:40 AM

Re: How old are you??
Originally posted by Teddy Bear
That is an answer some one in high school would give. But it's true to form for you, as most of your answers are very immature. Our mods are on top of checking ages, so I have to guess that your old enough to be here..... but its clear you have alot of growing up to do.

I have checked about 6 times!

Ryan² 12-18-2003 09:59 AM

Originally posted by zipededoo
We should be encouraging more people to breast feed beyond the ridiculously short 6 month timespan that is currently recommended.

I agree. If I was in town with my ladyfriend (imaginery) and she pulled down her top, got her breasts out and remarked, "Baby, me feeling horny, will you suck these for me please and make nipples hard?", I'd be on them giving them sweet TLC in a split second!

Let's face it, the size of a cheeseburger these days in either Burger King or McDonald's averages around a teenage girl's breast size.

WildIrish 12-18-2003 11:09 AM

The mothers that I've seen breastfeeding do so with discretion and respect...for those around them as much as for themselves. I don't see a problem with it. It's not like they're sitting there topless, waving them around at everyone that walks by. I mean, it's an amazing and very natural thing, but I don't wanna watch a graphic display of boobs while I'm eating my burger.

And am I the only one that finds it funny that the first fast food joint to develop a policy concerning breastfeeding is the "Home of the Whopper"?

Ryan² 12-18-2003 01:27 PM

Re: How old are you??
Originally posted by Teddy Bear
That is an answer some one in high school would give. But it's true to form for you, as most of your answers are very immature. Our mods are on top of checking ages, so I have to guess that your old enough to be here..... but its clear you have alot of growing up to do.

Piss off. Since when did I ask for your opinion? Never. So up yours buster.

And grow up yourself, making stupid comments using quotes like that.

Lilith 12-18-2003 01:34 PM

ukG~ Have you noticed that no one else here speaks to eachother like you just did to Teddy? We are courteous and respectful here and you will be too or you will be gone.

If you go back and look at what your response was to this issue you will see that it was indeed very immature and not at all how most adults view breastfeeding.

Steph 12-18-2003 02:09 PM

ukG - the tone of Pixies is quite polite. We don't insult others. I have to agree with teddy, your thoughts on breastfeeding seem more like a teenager's than an adult's.

babybunny 12-18-2003 04:21 PM

Re: Re: How old are you??
Originally posted by ukG²
Piss off. Since when did I ask for your opinion? Never. So up yours buster.

And grow up yourself, making stupid comments using quotes like that.

ukG~ *angry* (this is such a nice place there isnt even an angry smile!) How dare you be so rude! I am of the younger crowd here and I cant even begin to imagine speaking to the "elders" of Pixies like that. This is my family and it ruffles my feathers to have someone such as yourself, come in and insult my beloved memebrs. I suggest you spend a lil bit more time reading and seeing how this place runs rather than tossing arrogant and haughty words off the bat. I will not comment on the previous comments you have made as I can ignore those. But I cant ignore direct insults to those that do *not* deserve them*

babybunny 12-18-2003 04:28 PM

Now back on subject... As a mother who did breastfeed..it was so hard to do in public. :( Very embarrassing. I applaud the progress that BK is making and therefore will cause other buisnesses to follow. :)

sillyme 12-19-2003 07:11 PM

I breastfed my two (now teenage children). Didn't do it public much, this was 18 years ago so I usually planned outings to be out and back before feeding time.

A day or so after I came home from the hospital with my daughter, some friends of my sister came to visit. It was feeding time for my daughter so I opened my dress (hard to be really discrete when wearing a dress :)) and began feeding her. Didn't think anything of it. I later heard that the young lady visiting told my sister that I should have left the room because it embarrased her for my to be feeding my daughter! I still get burned up thinking about it.

She later had had a baby, and no surprise here, decided not to breastfeed.

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