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Ananke 08-08-2003 05:49 PM

I'm curious how many out there are the same age as Rastapope and I. Not that age matters alot, but I'm curious to see the spread of the pixies posters.

PantyFanatic 08-08-2003 06:13 PM

There are 3 votes on there right now, but I'm not going to tell you which one is mine. LMAO:)

BIBI 08-08-2003 06:43 PM

Your secret is safe with me PF......;)

Alas I will tell my true age.....49 and I will be 50 in September. My how time flies when your having fun!!!!!
Funny thing is I only feel 35.......year olds :)

Cheyanne 08-08-2003 07:53 PM

I don't mind telling my age - 38.... I have earned EVERY year. I think that I am at a fun age too... ;)

Cobalt 08-08-2003 08:25 PM

Well why not, I am a full 43. Wanting to have fun with Cheyanne while she is at the fun age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!

PantyFanatic 08-08-2003 08:29 PM

Originally posted by BIBI
Your secret is safe with me PF......;).....

I know Ananke can count higher than fingers and toes (even blue ones;) ). So I’m sure she figured out the over 50 one was mine and not one of the two she started with.:)

Teddy Bear 08-08-2003 09:00 PM

I'll be 48 in Sept. but I sure don't feel it.

flutelady 08-08-2003 09:18 PM

I am 47 and I love it. I don't "feel 30" nor do I want to. I like 47 and I look forward to what's yet to come. I didn't like my 20's at all, my 30's were tolerable... but the 40's, while full of trials and tribulations (such is life), have by far been the best, and definitely the most interesting and passionate.

osuche 08-08-2003 10:03 PM

I am 26 (27 next month)...and having the time of my life. Of course, it IS my life...

Steph 08-08-2003 11:49 PM

I'll be turning 30 at the end of the year. I really like flutelady's attitude - too many men write "I'm 48 but feel 20" in their ads on the dating service I work for . . . it's almost cliched!

dadaist 08-09-2003 12:07 AM

27, turning 28 at the end of October. :p

flutelady 08-09-2003 12:39 AM

Thanks for your comments, Steph. Boy oh boy do you have alot of fun awaiting you! Isn't life a fabulous ride?

cowgirltease 08-09-2003 01:24 AM

42 here and damn proud of it!. :D

BlondeCurlGirl 08-09-2003 01:33 AM

23 :)

lakritze 08-09-2003 04:36 AM

1/2 a century.But I don't need Viagra.

kgb253 08-09-2003 04:47 AM

A very painful 48.

GingerV 08-09-2003 04:53 AM

31, which has turned out to be much more fun and less traumatic than my teenaged self would ever have believed.

lilsquirt 08-09-2003 04:53 AM

You say you don't need viagra like that would be a really bad thing.

My mate has to take meds that have an effect on the *big fella* not getting very hard, so he went to see his doctor about getting the little blue pill.

i hadn't realized how much i'd missed the hardness until he started taking those. Its done alot for his self confidence and that shows in all the other aspects of his life, so he's a much happier camper and man oh man so am i.

They are a tad expensive, so he's asked his doctor to prescribe him 100mg, which he then cuts in half...you pay the same price for 50mg as 100mg, at least his way, he gets more bang for his buck (pun intended)

Personally, i find nothing shameful about taking a sexual aid such as viagra or anything else that keeps a couple's sexual life happy.

Sharni 08-09-2003 05:14 AM

34......35 next month

dm383 08-09-2003 05:28 AM

41 (and a bit!!) and feeling every second of it this morning!! :( ;)

celticangel 08-09-2003 05:40 AM

36~~~~~and having more fun than ever!!!!

dicksbro 08-09-2003 06:54 AM

Just celebrated the 39th anniversary of my 21st birthday and like CA said, having a great time. :)

Grumble 08-09-2003 07:23 AM

I am 51 years young on 6th September. :)

Belial 08-09-2003 07:33 AM

21 and probably wasted about half of it.

Teddy Bear 08-09-2003 10:44 AM

I just noticed in reading through this thread how many Sept. birthdays were mentioned.

Sept. 19th here......

(And to agree with whats already been said, the '40's have been great.)

lakritze 08-09-2003 10:52 AM

Hi lilsquirt,I see nothing shameful about taking viagra either.At 50 though viagra may enhance the experience,it is not neded to have an experience.Comment was to say that,I'm still in the game.heh heh heh

LixyChick 08-09-2003 03:21 PM

45 here........

Looking back.........this IS the best time of my life (someone tell me aches and pains that)............and I think that way with every birthday!

BlueSwede 08-09-2003 05:27 PM

55.5 as of 8/8, but...hey...I don't look a day over 55.0 ;)

And, no, I can't say that this is the best time of my life, but it beats the alternative. Orgasm-wise it is, but I'd rather share them than be flying solo. :(

Lilith 08-10-2003 02:38 PM


Vicious Tease 08-10-2003 04:30 PM

28 and still kicking ... just not as hard as I used to. ;)

Griz1960 08-10-2003 04:51 PM

42 here ..43 in oct

Griz1960 08-10-2003 04:53 PM

so far the 41-50s have it
not sure if thats good or bad

oldfart2020 09-07-2003 09:56 PM

71 and enjoying every day of it

Viagra is a must if you want several hours of fun

BigBear57 09-08-2003 04:31 AM

I'm 45 and will turn 46 in October. I'm comfortable with my age. I know I've great things to look forward to.

Scarecrow 09-08-2003 06:03 PM

I quit having birthdays at 29 so I celebrated the 23 aniversery of my 29th birthday back in June.

In the 60's nobody wanted to turn 30 so I refused to grow up LOL

Irish 09-09-2003 05:20 PM

59yrs.My wife will be 60 on Oct14,but I won't be until Feb27!Yes,I
married an older woman&I don't let her forget it!
Ex:When you go to the movies,ask the person,selling the tickets,
for 1 Adult&1 Senior Citizen!It really pisses women off!Men don't
give a shit!
Seriously,my wife & both daughters,exercise&watch what they eat
They ALL are in great shape.Looking at my wife,you would probably,think she was 40!It makes me feel good,because they all
have personal pride!Both daughters were models.They must come
from good genes! Irish

seriousfun 09-09-2003 05:44 PM

47 yesterday (Sept. 8).

My co-workers were guessing 37 at my little office party, so I feel good.

Everything works just fine ;)

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