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Lilith 03-23-2002 06:17 AM

Are there any good sites to find avitars on the web? I did a search but was not terribly successful. I need a new one, I am getting confused as to which posts are mine...... LMAO! Any ideas?.......... Thanks!

Lilith 03-23-2002 10:54 AM

Maybe I will just switch depending on my mood....... it will make it easy for you to know if it is safe to approach me...LOL........Today Lilith is.....

MidnightsBlue 03-23-2002 11:28 AM

Here are a few



jay 03-23-2002 01:47 PM

I have been thinking the same thing lil. hope you don't mind me jumping on you.. I mean your band wagon I have wanted to up date my info for a while but just got around to it. and midnightsblue thanks for the url's

MissX 03-23-2002 02:05 PM

Im sorry, I know Im a complete wooss but that red one you've got is a bit scary..Im off to hide behind a cushion... :)

Phoenix16 03-23-2002 02:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I wish we could have avatars that are a little bigger...like 102 X 116 or else a little bigger in bytes. Here are some sites that I know of, the first one is my favorite but just has megas (102x116) you can try to decrease them in size.




I'll also attach some that I've been able to decrease in size.

Phoenix16 03-23-2002 02:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is another one.

Phoenix16 03-23-2002 02:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And one more. :p

Lilith 03-23-2002 02:37 PM

Phoenix~ Thanks so much! I will start my search there!
Jay~ Love your new look.....as far as the jumping on me.....if you insist....
MissX~ Feeling like my old self again..... That one scared me too!

MissX 03-23-2002 02:46 PM

I like that one, very sexy but with a "mess with me and you'll be sorry" look. Let us know when you choose a new one :)

Phoenix16 03-23-2002 04:00 PM


Lilith 03-23-2002 11:46 PM

solved my problem ..... somewhat.... at least for now. TY for all of your ideas and for sharing your sites. I hate that a custom av has to be so much smaller than the provided ones, seems odd. I appreciate the help. *kisses*(hugs)~~~>whips

Aqua 03-25-2002 07:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's an Avatar you can try Lilith... it's a drawing of Lilith as a Vampire... kinda scary though... give it a look.

Lilith 03-25-2002 07:38 PM

I love that pic....it's the one where she is feeding on a shriveld up man maybe Dracula right? I went hunting her this weekend..... so many choices.....

Aqua 03-25-2002 07:44 PM

You sound as if you were up there feasting on the poor fellow only yesterday Lillith... ;) Yes, that's the one.

xanne 03-26-2002 01:58 AM

Like you new avatar Lilith! :D :D

Go show them who's boss! :p

souls_cry2000 03-26-2002 02:01 AM

I could use a new one also. Something that fits me a little better than the one I have now.

Lilith 03-26-2002 02:04 AM

TY Xanne~ I am still playing but I like it so far...... really liked the one Aqua suggested but I could not color it.....
Souls~ I can find you one

mindboxer505 03-26-2002 11:30 AM

mmm that's a nice one lilith.....

Lilith 03-26-2002 01:19 PM

Some people are not so sure......but have ways of convincing them.....;)

mindboxer505 03-26-2002 01:21 PM

mmmmm..promises promises....ok ok !! I love the new one

Aqua 03-26-2002 02:10 PM

Try this Lilith...
1 Attachment(s)
Same as the other but with a little color...

jay 03-26-2002 03:05 PM

hey lil. I like the one your using right now but there is somthing about the thought of you drinking bodily fluids that seems appropriate(sp?)so as for the dracula pics I like the first.

Lilith 03-26-2002 04:07 PM

Aqua~ TY so much..... I tried to color her last night but I am the least patient person I know! I like her. I have a pic of her that I love but can not use. You and SFC both had mentioned whips so I went hunting those...... Thanks again!

Jay~ go to the basement NOW!!!!! I will deal with you there!;)

sugarfreecandy 03-26-2002 04:34 PM

Lilith ---

The whip image is great!

Just thought I'd offer, though, if you (or anyone else) is having trouble with an image, Sugarfreecandy Graphics Ltd. is open & ready for business... No charge for the ladies, though I might charge the men a grope or two. Anyone who needs help resizing, colouring, or otherwise editing an image is more than welcome to PM me for help, and I'll either help with instructions or get that person to e-mail me the troublesome graphic so I can work on it... Any excuse to play with pics, as far as I'm concerned --- I'm almost as addicted to Photoshop (and Illustrator to a lesser extent) as I am to Pixies', and we all know that's really saying something!!! :rolleyes:

--- sweetstuff

p.s. Today's trivia: the word 'avatar' is from the Sanskrit, and in Hindu mythology refers specifically to the earthly incarnations of Vishnu, one of the principal gods. Much like Jesus, as part of the Holy Trinity, can be seen as an incarnation of God, Vishnu's avatars are still Vishnu but also have unique characteristics of their own. Vishnu has 10 avatars: namely, Matsya the Fish, Kurma the Tortoise, Varaha the Boar, Narasimha the Man-lion, Vamana the Dwarf, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki. Kalki has not yet appeared; all the others have already come to restore the cosmic balance of good and evil. Kalki is awaited at the end of the present era of darkness (the Kali Yuga) to again restore the universe to a state of balance and bring great wealth and prosperity.

Okay, I'll get off the lecture podium now... :D

Aqua 03-26-2002 04:45 PM

SFC, I get weak in the knees when you talk like that... ;) Lecture away... :yellghst:

sugarfreecandy 03-26-2002 05:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Aqua --- Just for you, then:

Krishna, the 8th avatar of Vishnu, was reknowned in his youth as a great lover. (I think he'd fit in very well here... ;)) He was a cow-herd, and would wander about in the evenings playing his flute, and all the female cow-herds (gopis)would hear it and run to him, abandoning their husbands and families whenever he played. (See the picture below.) His consort was the beautiful Radha, but such was his power that according to the mythology, during these nightly trysts, he would multiply himself so that every single one of the gopis would feel herself to be in divine sexual union with him.

The bhakti (devotional) tradition of Hindu worship often focuses on Krishna, with poets (bhaktas) casting themselves in the role of Radha or the other gopis in order to experience the overwhelming power of Krishna's consuming love. The resulting poems are very erotic and often heart-breakingly beautiful. For example, the following comes from Vidyapati, who wrote this about 600 years ago:

All my inhibition left me in a flash,
When he robbed me of my clothes,
But his body became my new dress.
Like a bee hovering on a lotus leaf
He was there in my night, on me!

--- sweetstuff

p.s. Somebody lock up the podium before I'm tempted to spout lectures again! :D (Can you tell I'm in essay-writing mode? :rolleyes: )

jay 03-26-2002 07:07 PM

o.k. i'm in the basement waiting should I attach these hand cuffs and shakles??

souls_cry2000 03-29-2002 03:39 AM

Does anyone know how to make their own avitar? I'd really like to know that. I've been working on it but each one I try is too large or the resolution sux.

legend 03-29-2002 08:12 AM

your best bet is probably to convert it to .gif format. this will shrink the file size. there are a lot of programs that will do this. also, don't use a lot of colours. when you draw one yourself, make start off with a 256 colour jpg....probably your best bet.

Lilith 03-29-2002 09:08 AM

Souls~ I could help you some, but I think SFC is the girl in the know! I had fun the day I spent toying around with it! I tried to use several drawings or sketches but did not have a lot of luck....too much distortion. Oh~just noticed that you changed your member status.... good choice!

sugarfreecandy 03-29-2002 02:09 PM

Hi, Souls ---

So far as I can tell, the maximum size for a custom avatar here is 50x50 pixels, regardless of whether it's a JPEG or a GIF. The two file formats handle colour and edges slightly differently --- GIFs tend to be sharper but grainier, while JPEGs tend to be smoother, in my experience. (This isn't always true, and in larger files it doesn't make much difference, but when you're dealing with tiny images, colour transitions and lines become quite important in making something recognizable.)

My suggestion would be to crop the original down as close as possible to the core image that you want to use (i.e., just a face rather than a whole body) and paint out any unneccesary details in the background so the picture is 'clean'. From there, save a copy (so you retain an original) and scale it down so the maximum dimensions are 50 pixels in any direction.

If you want help with any of the cropping, painting out, resizing, etc., or if you have a great image but it needs to be simplified to be clear, PM me and I'll give you my e-mail address --- then you can send the file as an attachment and I'll fiddle away with it (you know I love that stuff)...

Good luck!

--- sweetstuff

p.s. Maybe Kim can clarify what the rules are for av size...?

Murphy 03-29-2002 02:56 PM

I would like to know how to decrease Size without loosing detail.
(of avatars i mean). Also are animated avatars allowed. Got one that meets the megs, but is bigger than 50x50...

Lilith 03-29-2002 03:10 PM

Murphy~50X50 is the max for a custom av here and I have seen animated ones here as well........I could not figure out how to retain an image's crispness either so I just kept hunting til I found one I could deal with. Good luck!

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