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LixyChick 03-08-2003 12:33 PM

~A Memorial for Pop~
Early this morning we got word that Pop passed away.

I did a thread in his honor a while back and I got so many wonderful contributions of sweet and loving memories for our grandparents!

Pop was 92 (though lately he's been saying he is 58..LOL!) and he lived a long and fulfilling life. He is my husband's paternal grandfather and his last grandparent to pass. When we moved Pop to the nursing home after his stroke, we knew he'd never come home again. He had an amazing comeback from the stroke but he could not walk anymore. Recently, he got an infection from pulling his catheter out continuously. He was a proud man and didn't like the catheter. This infection led to him contracting pneumonia. This, along with age and failed bodily functions, is the final cause of death. He didn't suffer or linger...and he had a living will to which we tried, despite our heartache, to follow and respect his wishes.

Just yesterday the personel at the home asked Pop (with my hubbies father present) if he wanted to remain at the home or be taken to the hospital for medical help. Pop did NOT want to go to the hospital.....he wanted to go home. This was an impossible request but we abided his wishes in him not being sent to the hospital. They did everything they could to make Pop as comfortable as possible in his last hours, without overriding his living will. He died in his sleep very early this morning. Pop is at peace now. We will remember him lovingly and miss him deeply!

I just wanted to let all my friends know of this wonderful man and his passing, in case I am not around for a few days!

P.S. I changed my av in his honor as I thought this (temporary) one would be more appropiate at this time. While I was changing it I got booted, so I had to come back and add this edit!

PantyFanatic 03-08-2003 12:44 PM

I only pray I have someone as accepting, careing and understanding as you there when my time comes.

Thank you in Pops' behalf.

dm383 03-08-2003 12:47 PM

I'm happy for Pop that he could pass away in a manner of his own choosing, Lixy. It's always a great shame when a person of stature in your life is no longer there; like a massive void has opened where they used to be, but one that is also filled with memories of happier days.

It's good that he's at peace, and that he didn't suffer in his passing.

I feel for you & Mr Lix in your time of loss... hope all goes well for his send off.... take care of yourselves, and we'll see you when you're ready to return.

<<Hugs to you both>>


Tess 03-08-2003 01:49 PM

My thoughts are with you and your family, Lixy. The passing of someone so dear is indeed sad. But you can take some solace in the fond memories you have of this wonderful man.

Again, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

celticangel 03-08-2003 02:26 PM

Sorry to hear of your loss---------thoughts and prayers are with you and yoursxxx

jennaflower 03-08-2003 03:22 PM

Hugs Lixy.... my prayers and thoughts are with your family... Pops was blessed to have your love, understanding .... and compassion

Vintage Vixen 03-08-2003 04:08 PM

So sorry to hear Lixy,he sounds like he was a very strong,proud man.Very sorry to hear of your loss:( My dad is in fla now where he is going through the same thing with his mom so i know how hard it is.HUGS!

horseman12 03-08-2003 04:17 PM

my thought and prayers go out to you and yours Lixy, pop does sound like a very lucky man to of had caring people around, but the then i believe all of you were as lucky to of had him in your lives. I really do not have any remaining family but if i did i would want them all to be like pop.

jseal 03-08-2003 04:44 PM

LixyChick, Bless you and yours for respecting his preferences when you could have overridden them. It is difficult now, but your memories of him will be a richer because he remained HIM through his end.

scotzoidman 03-08-2003 04:47 PM

RIP, Pop...& hugs to you & yours, Lixy...

Nobody Special 03-08-2003 05:38 PM

Huggs to Lixychick and her Family Big Hugs that is.... ;)

I konw what it is like to loose some one like that..... Huggs again... ;)


Scarecrow 03-08-2003 06:08 PM

Lixy if you get down just think "What is Pops doing right now in heaven" then have a good laugh. Hugs and prayers to you and yours.

DallasLiving 03-08-2003 10:53 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Lixy. It is never easy to lose someone that you love, but you did the best thing for him, fulfilled his last wishes to the best of your ability and I bet he will continously watch over all of ya'll for that.


2-4-tea 03-08-2003 11:13 PM

I am sorry for your loss and my deepest sympathy to you and your family. I remember you doing another post about him here is a ((((((((((((((Lixy))))))))))))))) .

artmom 03-08-2003 11:38 PM

Sorry about your loss my prayes go out to you take care

Steph 03-09-2003 03:00 AM

My grandfather died on his couch a few years ago at the ripe ol' age of 87. He didn't want to be in the hospital, God love him. My grandparents taught me so much in this life. I'm lucky that at the age of 29, I still have both my grandmothers. I'm going back to Newfoundland in August to see them, mainly. They are always calms in the storm and filled with wisdom.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

whitehorse 03-09-2003 01:55 PM

Sorry for your loss, Lixy, my prayers and thoughts are with you and your husband. :)

Lilith 03-09-2003 02:02 PM

I'm sorry to hear that Lixy (((hugs)))......give my love to Mr. Lix too! Sounds as if this man made many memories for you all to reminisce. Sending peace and brightness in your time of sorrow........

Grumble 03-09-2003 04:28 PM

Dear C,

We have spoken of your pop quite a few times and I am sorry for your loss but also pleased for your pop being able to have his choice. Its important to allow someone the dignity of amking thier own decisions. We did it for both my mum and dad.

big hugs to you hun

LixyChick 03-12-2003 11:10 AM

TY for all the well wishes and sympathy everyone!

Pop was laid to rest yesterday and we said goodbye in the subdued manner that he would have wanted. Pop outlived all of his friends and yet we had visits from the children of the friends he had lost. Family (past and present due to seperations and remarriages) gathered. This was an awesome testament to the man we loved and let go. Everyone in attendance had wonderful stories to share of how Pop touched their lives in some way or another. Ex's and current family members all broke bread at the same table afterward and we laughed and quoted quips in remembrance of Pop's affect on our lives.

Pop was a hard working man all his life. We found out things about him that were truly amazing! He worked at the Yale lock company from 1926 to 1974. There were times while he was in the nursing home when he was sure he was still at work. He would ask me or someone else who was visiting why we weren't working, as if we were an employee on an extended break and should get back to work. Even on the day before his death, while my in-laws visited and he wasn't fully aware of himself or his surroundings, he toiled with the covers and the oxygen hoses and such as he would have if he were working at the Yale company still.

Pop was a pack-rat of sorts......but we like to say he was the master recycler! There was never a motor or mechanical part that he wouldn't take apart and place all the nuts, bolts, screws, springs, washers, etc. in seperate jars or boxes and have on hand for any repair that might come along. He was meticulous in keeping these parts seperate and available for easy acsess. Amoung all the material things we have recieved from Pop's estate, my husband has now aquired this vast collection of parts. I know that he has truly taken over the cause because he was elated at this treasure that has been passed along. It's a true confirmation that hereditary traits do exist!

TY again......for such sweet replies!

*hugs to all*

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