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dm383 10-26-2017 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Very sad. Very sad, indeed.

It is. Very.

Le sigh!


dicksbro 11-16-2017 05:12 AM

"Lift your blouses ... hold them up high,
Listen to all the happy guys sigh."
One for the Left and one for the Right,
No political bias when faced with the sight,
A nation united by two lovely mounds,
You can hear all the cheering ... such lovely ol' sounds.
Hope springs eternal, one day they'll be back,
Just hope and pray friends you're not caught in the sack.
We'll keep our hopes high and our eyes very sharp,
On a cold winter's night we'll stay warm watching for tarts. :D

dm383 11-16-2017 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
"Lift your blouses ... hold them up high,
Listen to all the happy guys sigh."
One for the Left and one for the Right,
No political bias when faced with the sight,
A nation united by two lovely mounds,
You can hear all the cheering ... such lovely ol' sounds.
Hope springs eternal, one day they'll be back,
Just hope and pray friends you're not caught in the sack.
We'll keep our hopes high and our eyes very sharp,
On a cold winter's night we'll stay warm watching for tarts. :D

Most excellent wordage kind sir! Thank you, and I hope this prayer bears fruit. :)


dicksbro 12-31-2017 07:42 AM

HAPPY NEW YEAR ... and here's to the fair ladies helping to celebrate. :D

dm383 01-14-2018 05:16 PM

Well, it's not been a Happy New Year so much as a Lurgy New Year; had something akin to the flu since NYE and it's really getting old now!

However, I have discovered two things.
First one is that Barbara (the slightly older-looking lady just round the corner, also shared her house with her daughter Jill) works in one of our two major local supermarkets; as far as I can make out, as a shift supervisor. I now know her real name (though I won't muddy the waters by sharing it), and she is just as attractive up close as I thought she was. Which is nice.

Second, I saw Mandy today for the fist time in, well, months! She's lost even more weight since my last proper sighting of her which, though it means she now has a lovely tight butt, also means her lovely, full, round boobs have pretty much disappeared. :( Don't get me wrong, there was still some evidence of boobage but nothing by comparison to her previous figure. As a fan of the curvier lady, I must say I'm slightly disappointed. Ho hum.

Let's hope the next couple of months perk up a bit, as this year has, again, been a bit of a bust on the observationing side of things!


dicksbro 01-16-2018 03:46 AM

Sounds like you're at least getting a little bit of encouragement. Sounds like the supermarket might be a good place to shop. :)

dicksbro 02-14-2018 02:41 AM

You've been awfully quiet DM. :(

I hope that's because the viewing season is keeping you fully occupied. :)

dm383 02-14-2018 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
You've been awfully quiet DM. :(

I hope that's because the viewing season is keeping you fully occupied. :)

Sadly, there has been absolutely nothing happening whatsoever on the viewing front! :shock:

I remain slightly hopeful that may change before the light mornings start to make an appearance, but I fear the reality is there will be no more sightings of interest this year. :(


dicksbro 02-15-2018 01:52 AM


What is this world coming to ... when strong, red-blooded men can't expect visual stimulation in the mornings? Woe is me.

We'll keep our hopes up none the less. We still have just over 10 months to go in the year.

You have a terrific day, DM!

dm383 02-28-2018 02:14 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
Another day, another .. .. .. disappointment! :(

I wonder if lovely Liz hit the snooze button a time or two this morning, as we were waaaay over the other side of the fields when she opened the curtains today!

From what I could see, still naked when she did - one of us needs to improve our timing!!


Well there was a slight disappointment ths morning, but it was merely that the luscious Liz had clothes on when she opened her curtains!

Worked out to perfection for once. Headed round our usual route at roughly the usual time, except we were somewhat hampered by the 2-3 inches of snow that has finally landed on us! I'd noticed the light appeared to be on behind the curtains (again, as usual) but this morning she opened the curtains as I was looking directly at the window!

I'm here to tell you boys and girls, she is lovely, slim with small, perfectly-formed breasts (I already knew that but it's nice to have it confirmed; it's been a while!) albeit covered in a slinky polo-necked number today. She spent a good 5-10 seconds looking out the window at the snow (her driveway is on a steep hill) before she turned away and switched the light off.

Maybe this is a sign of better things to come, or simply a sign I was a lucky boy today; either way, a happy day indeed.


dicksbro 03-02-2018 01:22 AM

We will certainly be hoping that Liz will be making more frequent and revealing visits to the open shades! :D


dm383 03-04-2018 02:28 AM

Well, I had a belated birthday present this morning, courtesy of the lovely Barbara.

As I made my way through the snow this morning, round the bend leading to the view of her house, there she was in the small front bedroom where I used to see Jill from time to time. Never seen her in here before, far less doing what she was doing - ironing. Topless! (Maybe totally naked, but I couldn't see that low sadly. :(

Don't know if you've ever seen a modestly-breasted (or any, come to that) woman ironing, but it's a very sexy sight to behold those luscious soft mounds jiggling to the movement of the iron, able to notice that it wasn't perhaps as warm in the house as she may have initially thought - if you get my drift!!

Now, there's no way she didn't see me, so I can only presume either she didn't think I could see as much as I could, or, she didn't care! Either way, "Happy belated birthday to meeeee!!!!"


dicksbro 03-06-2018 04:01 AM

I will join in that very :hb: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :hb: wish for you and congratulate you on receiving such a warm and delicious looking present. Only sorry that you've got snow on the ground at a time we're generally wishing for warm spring weather.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY again and may your morning walks be rewarded with frequent presents. :D

gekkogecko 03-06-2018 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
"Happy belated birthday to meeeee!!!!"


Yep, that works. (congratulatory head bobs) on another year.

dm383 03-06-2018 05:02 PM

Many thanks indeed gents! :)


dicksbro 03-07-2018 04:15 AM

While we're waiting for more reports .... here's something to keep the eyes tempted ...

:undies: :undies: :undies:

dm383 04-26-2018 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
Well there was a slight disappointment ths morning, but it was merely that the luscious Liz had clothes on when she opened her curtains!

Worked out to perfection for once. Headed round our usual route at roughly the usual time, except we were somewhat hampered by the 2-3 inches of snow that has finally landed on us! I'd noticed the light appeared to be on behind the curtains (again, as usual) but this morning she opened the curtains as I was looking directly at the window!

I'm here to tell you boys and girls, she is lovely, slim with small, perfectly-formed breasts (I already knew that but it's nice to have it confirmed; it's been a while!) albeit covered in a slinky polo-necked number today. She spent a good 5-10 seconds looking out the window at the snow (her driveway is on a steep hill) before she turned away and switched the light off.

Maybe this is a sign of better things to come, or simply a sign I was a lucky boy today; either way, a happy day indeed.


Pleased (well, sort of!) to report a near repeat of this occurred not 20 minutes ago; I was looking straight ahead at her house when she opened the curtains, this time wearing a collared blouse in a cream-coloured material. Not very clingy unfortunately, but I did notice that she's let her hair grow (I noticed that a couple of weeks ago, in fact, when I saw her getting in her car one morning) and it's a rather fetching shade of auburn - almost red. It suits her (IMO anyway) and she really is very pretty indeed.

Add to that the sun is chasing the rain away and it's proved to be a very pleasant morning, so far! :D


dicksbro 04-27-2018 03:49 AM

Sounds like a good way to start a morning to me. For you in seeing her and for us as you stimulate our imaginations! :) Thanks. ;)

dm383 05-09-2018 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Sounds like a good way to start a morning to me. For you in seeing her and for us as you stimulate our imaginations! :) Thanks. ;)

It was indeed!

Spotted the last two mornings now, both times wearing what looks like a cheesecloth-type material pj top or similar. Yesterday she had a good long look out of the window (not necessarily at me, you understand; in fact, I'd be very surprised if it was!) and she was plainly visible to see for at least 15-20 seconds.

Sadly, dry cheesecloth is not conducive to healthy perving - could barely make out the boob bumps - and no better today. Maybe it'll be warmer still tomorrow and she won't feel the need to wear anything! :boobs:

I live in the faintest of hope. :)


dicksbro 05-11-2018 02:10 AM

As do we! As do we! :wish:

dm383 06-01-2018 01:04 AM

Saw the lovely Liz again today; sadly, it seems she's taken to opening her curtains after she's showered (presumably!) and dressed. Damn!

However, although she was wearing a denim shirt today, successfully hiding those lovely curves, she was also wearing some seriously snug-fitting trousers, which served to showcase what a lovely round, soft bottom she has! Gorgeous it is! Her legs look very trim and sexy too - bonus!

I've come over all of a quiver .. .. .. ..


dicksbro 06-03-2018 02:21 AM

Glad she at least made the appearance. Too bad we can't tell her what a following she has. :)

Thanks for the report, DM! Always a joy to see that there's still hope.

dm383 06-17-2018 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
Saw the lovely Liz again today; sadly, it seems she's taken to opening her curtains after she's showered (presumably!) and dressed. Damn!

However, although she was wearing a denim shirt today, successfully hiding those lovely curves, she was also wearing some seriously snug-fitting trousers, which served to showcase what a lovely round, soft bottom she has! Gorgeous it is! Her legs look very trim and sexy too - bonus!

I've come over all of a quiver .. .. .. ..


I was just reading back some of this thread and felt I should explain that comment about snug trousers; she was very quick to get downstairs and out the door that morning, so that when I turned back to call one of the dogs, there she was just about to get into her car.

A lovely rounded bottom, the trouser/slacks nicely delineating each individual buttock, with a very slight quiver when she stepped down the side of her car to get in.

Hence, the "quiver"! Sadly, no sightings of note since then.

However; last night when I got home Mandy was out next door, moving some remnants of their recent redecoration from the front lawn. She was wearing a light sweater (it was horrible and drizzly & cold here all day yesterday) which served to highlight how nicely formed her breasts still are, after her weight loss over the past couple of years, and also that her bottom too was very nicely encompassed in a pair of rather tight jeans! Mmm-Mmmmm - sometimes it really is very nice living where I do!


P.S. When I got in the house, it was to find Mrs DM dressed only in a robe and feeling quite frisky - last night was a good night! :boink: :booty: :wine: :licker:

dicksbro 06-18-2018 01:52 AM

Always look forward to your posts, DM. I wonder if Mandy realizes she has an international following. :D

dm383 06-19-2018 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Always look forward to your posts, DM. I wonder if Mandy realizes she has an international following. :D

I wonder if she'd be more exhibitionistic if she did? Now THAT would be interesting!

Was a bit later this morning, so only saw Liz in her car as we walked past. She's had her hair cut ~ boo; I preferred it that wee bitty longer! ~ and coloured (I think) so it looks a lot redder than it did before. Nice.


dicksbro 06-20-2018 01:35 AM


dm383 06-27-2018 12:48 AM

Not such good tidings today; I fear the fun times regarding the luscious Liz may have come to an end!

This morning the curtains seemed shut, as usual, but when I got into a straighter-on view they were open a couple of inches either side of the window frame divider. (It's a double-paned window, if I haven't said before).

Anyway, just as I noticed that, I saw her come out of her back door (fully dresed, sadly!) and do something in the back garden before she went back inside - tellingly, the curtains remained as they were, i.e. partially opened.

So, it's not looking terribly positive at the moment; either that. or I'm just being a total pessimist - wouldn't be the first time. I shall keep you posted.


dicksbro 06-27-2018 11:48 PM

We'll keep hoping and wishing. :)

dm383 06-28-2018 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
We'll keep hoping and wishing. :)

Not looking good as of this morning!

Walking towards her h ouse I noticed the curtain gap "twitch", as though she had moved to open them but changed her mind at the last second - ? when she saw me?

I don't know, obviously, so will need to wait and see. The rel irony is, I wasn't really looking today as one of the dogs wasn't 100% tickety-boo so I was concentrating on him. (He's fine btw, just a bit hot!)


dm383 06-30-2018 04:19 PM

View from the park

This the view I have of Liz's house as I walk back along the path from the field. The window I talk about is second in from the left, and you can see the view I get of it in the mornings!

The path loops round behind the bright green bush at the top of the steps and at it's closest I'm probably less than 20 feet from the window! You'll notice the curtains were shut; this picture was taken at about 1pm today, in 26C temp and sun shining straight into those windows, which probably explains it. :)

NB: Apologies, but I'm not very good at "driving" imgur yet, so only a link instead of a thumbnail or proper pic! Sorry. :(


dicksbro 07-02-2018 01:29 AM

One must always keep up one's hopes … mustn't one? :D

We'll keep up hoping from here. ;)

dm383 07-09-2018 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by dm383
<snip> You'll notice the curtains were shut; this picture was taken at about 1pm today, in 26C temp and sun shining straight into those windows, which probably explains it. :)



I realised this morning that the curtains were shut for a fair few days prior to my sneaky pic of her house, and remain so today; I can only presume she is protecting whatever's in the room from the sun.

Either that, or she spotted me spotting her, and doesn't like it. We'll see when the weather breaks I guess, which according to the weather-guessers won't be for a while yet!


dm383 07-10-2018 12:48 AM

Well it seems we may have a new doggie to met on our morning walks, this one a very timorous little brown & white spaniel named Molly. My bigger dog is especially taken with her! :horny:

I, on the other hand, am especially taken with Molly's owner, who I think I shall call Maggie; for no reason other than I think she looks like a Maggie! Mind you, I thought Barbara looked like a Barbara, whereas her real name is far removed from that! Ho hum.

Anyway, Maggie is in her late 30's I'd say, nice trim figure without being too skinny, lovely dark, almost black hair worn quite long (though in a pony tail the 2 days I've seen her) and a very powerful strong stride. She's worn all-black so far, making proper glimpsing of her figure somewhat difficult, but she definitely has a nice butt and the brief silhouette of the chest showed her shirt to be packed wth booby goodness. :boobs:

I'm hoping to see more of her - I shall keep you all (DB!) posted, of course.


dicksbro 07-10-2018 02:14 AM

Too bad about the shut windows :( but Maggie sounds like a new and interesting candidate for early morning perusals. Look forward to your reports. :)

dm383 07-11-2018 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Too bad about the shut windows :( but Maggie sounds like a new and interesting candidate for early morning perusals. Look forward to your reports. :)

Well on a positive note, the curtains were open considerably today, though not to the more usual "fully opened" position.

However, no sign of Maggie this morning ~ or Molly-dog either! However, I was a minute or two later reaching the field today, so that may well account for it; wee dog and his toileting had to take priority this morning I'm afraid!

Hope remains!!!


dm383 07-12-2018 12:48 AM


Maggie opted for a sleeveless-type top this morning - spaghetti straps I think they're called? - which showed off a nice tan (not surprising, given our recent weather!) and what look like a very proud pair of boobs! :D :boobs:

I was at the opposite end of the football field to her (and a young male companion?!?!?!) so not really able to see any details. I could see there's a nice little bounce to her walk, which is reflected in chest movement; things are looking up! I just need to work on the timing a little bit perhaps - we'll see.


dicksbro 07-12-2018 01:50 AM

The days are getting brighter … even though we've passed the summer solstice. :D

dm383 07-13-2018 12:37 AM

Nothing at all today; not seen a single, solitary soul on our walk this morning, not in windows, not a car or bus seen, nothing.

Heard a couple of "yoofs" in loud cars on the road nearby just as we got back, not even seen any of the folk I normally see on their way to work. Most odd.

Anything to do with it being Friday 13th d'you think? Ho hum.


dicksbro 07-14-2018 12:18 AM

Spoke too soon, did I? :(

dm383 07-14-2018 12:51 PM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Spoke too soon, did I? :(

Not necessarily; it occurred to me later on that this weekend is the Glasgow Fair - traditionally, the time when many in this neck of the woods go on holiday.

All is not lost!!


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