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rabbit 06-28-2003 10:45 AM

1) Made a gourmet breakfast for Mrs R this morning...she's been fighting through a bout of depression recently and wanted to give her a nice start to the day.

2) I am helping my 7 year old with her golf game. Chipping lesson right after lunch....

3) I need to cut my grass today and I am not looking forward to it.


LixyChick 06-28-2003 10:54 AM

Originally posted by pantyfanatic
Maybe you already have hun? :(

TY PF! *hugs*

Goddess_X 06-30-2003 11:33 AM

#1 I am soooooooooo happy Pixies is fixed!

#2 Tryin to figure out how to thank Tech Support ;)

#3 Looking forward to catching up on the missed posts at Pixies

Steph 06-30-2003 11:35 AM

1. Pixies is back up
2. I can post again
3. I missed this site terribly!

skipthisone 06-30-2003 12:07 PM

Pixies is back
Stephs av still looks good
Dear god i am addicted to porn

T-S 06-30-2003 12:13 PM

1. Pixies is back
2. Goddess_X av still looks good
3. I didn't know I was such a sex/porn addict

IAKaraokeGirl 06-30-2003 01:02 PM

1. Camp with my five-year old was better than I expected, although I'm not ready to make 3-mile hikes with him a regular occurence.

2. I was able to hide from the mosquitos all weekend.

3. I can't stop smiling today because of how terrific my yesterday was. :)

speedy 06-30-2003 01:06 PM

1 pixies is back

2 i have day off of work

3 enjoying time with friends

Irish 06-30-2003 01:28 PM

SS---Be prepared for the bill from the MRI!I had to get one for my
previous back surgery,last week(the MRI).I got a copy of the bill,that the hospital,sent to my insurance co.$1000+for the MRI.
$400+for the dye that they inject into your arm,+whatever else!
STO---When you talk of picking your nose,just remember that old
Irish Proverb---You can pick your nose.
You can pick your friends.
But,You can't pick your friends nose! Irish

BlondeCurlGirl 06-30-2003 01:30 PM

1. Went to an interview today and was again pissed to see that the job description was misleading.

2. Getting anxious to see Legally Blonde 2... couldn't have guessed that, huh? ;)

3. My two "nieces" are stopping by in a little bit while their mother (my good friend) runs an important errand. After a tense morning, it'll be fun to get down on the floor and play with the 3 y/o.

Murphy 06-30-2003 01:33 PM

1 The DW went to school, giving me time for Pixies

2 Pixies was still down, so I went to chat

3 The DW came home from school early, so I had to stop playing...

Scarlett 06-30-2003 02:10 PM

1. I went to the library and the park with the kiddies.

2. I finally got up enough nerve to start selling on E Bay

3. I started a new diet today.

Passion Please 06-30-2003 02:11 PM

I played golf this afternoon, was fun to be out the office

I had an evening meeting which is now over

Pixies is up again and i can enjoy some time catching up and enjoying the incredible woman of pixies again... wish some of them were here for some real skin on skin fun

Irish 06-30-2003 02:21 PM

Scarlett---A new diet is good,but take it from past experiences
(mine&others).Unless you change your whole lifestyle,a diet is only a temporary fix. Irish
P.S.Just my $.02.

Scarlett 06-30-2003 07:24 PM

Well Irish, I have done every diet known to man except low carb. The only thing that has ever worked for me is low fat and that is a lifestyle for sure. I am in a funk about the whole thing right now so I decided to give Slim Fast a try. Maybe I can lose enough to get out of my funk :D

rabbit 06-30-2003 07:49 PM

1) I went to work today and caught up on a ton of paperwork.

2) I worked out today for the first time in 3 weeks...damn it felt good!

3) Made an appointment to pick up my new car tomorrow....a chianti red Honda CR-V EX.

BlueSwede 06-30-2003 07:59 PM

Certainly am glad that Pixies is back. Thank you!

Have to tell my landlord today whether I'm renewing my lease or not, and I have no idea what is going to happen--whether I'm moving to where my fiance is, whether he is moving here, or if the whole thing is going to fall through and I'm going to join the circus (well, not the circus, but a traveling nurse agency). I'm sick of being in LimboLand.

Saw Bend It Like Beckham and loved it. Want to see Whale Rider next.

Lilith 06-30-2003 08:10 PM

Originally posted by rabbit

3) Made an appointment to pick up my new car tomorrow....a chianti red Honda CR-V EX.

Gonna drink it or drive it;)?????????????????

rabbit 06-30-2003 08:13 PM

First I'll drive it home...then I'll drink!!!!

Wanna test out the reclining seats with me??? :D ;)

Lilith 06-30-2003 08:14 PM


jennaflower 06-30-2003 08:26 PM

Today was a shitty day at work... fuc*in deadbeats trying to find the holes in the system

Still haven't gotten any responses from the personal that I placed over the weekend.

Horny... and lonely... the worst combination.

White Noise 06-30-2003 08:36 PM

1. I was woken up by a phone call @ 7.30am about a tree I need removing from my block

2. I posted my first pic today (but I don't think it'll ever happen again, too embarressing)

3. Had to confess that it wasn't all God gave me (see #2)

Lilith 06-30-2003 08:39 PM

I ran errands and comforted a friend who was in pain.

I fed my kids a crap lunch but a healthy dinner so I guess it all evens out:p

I am wearing a scent I love, makes me smell good enough to eat or at least nibble.

Bopper 06-30-2003 10:20 PM

Work sucks but I guess I knew that already.

I don't quite feel like eating, and haven't for the past couple days.

I miss a special friend dearly, and it quite sucks.

Irish 06-30-2003 11:55 PM

Scarlett---FYI,Wal*Mart makes a canned drink,that Back-to back
can comparisons,is about exactly the same as Slim-Fast.It is about
a $1.00 less per 6pk.It is called"Weight Loss"shake by equate.In
our store,it is in the pharmacutical(sp?) section.
I bodybuild as a hobby.The so-called experts,tell you to injest alot
of protein!My diabetic diatician told me that with my age,diabetes,
&history of high blood pressure,that I was asking for kidney dialy
sis(sp?)My father-in law had that&I wouldn't wish it on my worst
enemy.The diatician suggested Slim-Fast instead of Protein.At BJ's
wholesale store,you can also get Slim-Fast Powder,to mix with
Skim Milk. Irish
P.S.Always trying to save a $1.00.

Scarlett 07-01-2003 08:36 AM

Thanks for the info Irish. I can't really drink the shakes in a can, they are too thick. I wish Equate made the powder, but I can't find it in my store. If I find that I can do the program, I may check Sam's to see if I can save a buck or two there.

Steph 07-01-2003 08:43 AM

1. It's Canada Day!
2. It's a Stat Hoiday but I'm working because it's double time.
3. Americans are lucky because July 4th is a Friday this year!

Irish 07-01-2003 09:11 AM

Scarlett or anyone---If you click on http://www.slim-fast.com/
you get the Slim-Fast website.If you are interested,you can signup(e-mail)for their club,and get periodic updates&other useful
information.It's easy to signup!The slim-fast news bulletins,etc.,
are sent to you. Irish

Scarlett 07-01-2003 10:14 AM

:D I just signed up Sunday.

IAKaraokeGirl 07-01-2003 10:25 AM

1. I need to get more sleep.

2. I'm really dreading having to go back into the office Thursday after being out since the beginning of April.

3. I'm extremely sexually frustrated. :D

campingboy 07-01-2003 10:54 AM

1) It's Canada Day. So the day started with a nice large cup of coffee, follewed by two 8 minute eggs on toast.

2) I'm getting the Smoker BBQ ready to cook a whole chicken tonight.

3) Enjoyed last night, finished a book swinging in the hammock in the gazebo. Wath a way to end the day.

Cheyanne 07-01-2003 11:10 AM

1) it is almost noon and I have just gotten out of the shower ...........

2) Neither one of us are working at the moment

3) Am going to lay down on the bed, naked and spread eagle and smile at Cobalt.

hehehe... guess how my day is going to go????


krzykrn 07-01-2003 11:45 AM

Just saw this thread, but then I haven't been on Pixie's a lot the past week or so :) What a great thread! Anyway, to add my two dinars...

1) I am studying for my f#@%*& Anatomy exam...me and my dumb ideas *groan*

2) I just saw the video for "Sympathy" by the Goo Goo Dolls and realized that I am playing the song all wrong lol!

3) Haven't masturbated in about 2-3 weeks (yes it is true! freaky!)

BlondeCurlGirl 07-01-2003 01:06 PM

1. I am worn out from my interview yesterday and several days worth of only 2-3 hours sleep at night. So I slept until 11 today. :o I feel like such a lazybones.

2. I'm in desperate need of a massage...

3. I'm letting my hair dry curly today...don't have the strength to fight it and straighten it...luckily I have no plans to go out...so no one will see me! :eek:

Scarlett 07-01-2003 01:20 PM

1. I had plans to go swimming, but it's raining :(

2. I found out I am not even remotely qualified for a job I wanted.

3. My children are stuck in the house with me and are driving me totally insane.

BlueSwede 07-01-2003 05:33 PM

Originally posted by krzykrn
I am studying for my f#@%*& Anatomy exam...me and my dumb ideas *groan*

Oooooooooooo...I LOVED anatomy and physiology; saved it for last, like dessert, when I was finishing school this last time. Wish I could take your exam for you! :)

Haven't had nearly enough sleep the past couple of days; work should be loads of fun tonight w/THIS sleepy head.

I'm finally legal; paid the taxes on my car so that I could get the title and plates switched over (bought the car in 9/2000).

Chickened out and still didn't tell my landlord if I am moving or not when my lease is up in August; I stuck my ostrich head in the sand for a couple more days.

Summer 07-01-2003 05:59 PM

1) I had a doctor's appointment today which I was really dreading.

2) My bestest bud kept my children for me even though she would have preferred something else. lol btw ty

3) I got my doggy back from the kennel today after a long weekend and he didn't seem to happy with me. So I drove him through McDonald's and bought him a hamburger. lol Now he loves me. LMAO

jennaflower 07-01-2003 06:30 PM

1. Someone said the nicest thing to me today.

2. I am feeling as tho I am being pulled in all the wrong directions.

3. I am tired.... and lonely.....

Devillishgirl 07-01-2003 08:23 PM

1. I had a particularly shitty day at work today but was glad as hell that it was Canada Day so the client from hell wouldn't bother me

2. Received some awful news today about a family member which just iced that wonderful day of mine

3. Talked to someone dear to me which did help take the edge off of the miserableness :)

Lilith 07-01-2003 08:59 PM

1) I went to dinner and a movie (Charlie's Angels) with an old friend.

2) I had some much needed, long over-due alone time;) twice;)

3) I kept Summer's kiddos and she helped me figure out what I was doing wrong with my pics of my jewelry.

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