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vampeyes 05-19-2002 06:41 PM


"That is so sweet of you to cook for me. Whatever you choose I am sure will be wonderful". She replied to Vaj.
As Vaj leaned forward to her she stilled afraid to even breathe.. She thought that was going to kiss her as his hair brushed against the exposed flesh. She flushed and could not supress a giggle at the feeling of the hair tickling her. She felt a twinge of dissapointment at not receiving a kiss. Vaj gently helped her up from her seat and she followed him out into the hall.
He ushered her into the bathroom and she splashed her face with water and brushed her hair. As she made her way to the kitchen she heard another voice .. a woman's voice she thinks that it is the stunning woman that she met last night but she is not positive. Intruiged she walks softly to the kitchen door and opens it just a hair to peek inside. She sees Gabrielle talking to Vaj. Purposely clearing her throat to make her presence known she walks into the kitchen.

Prophet Reality 05-20-2002 04:09 AM

As Vaj and Gabrielle talk quietly, Vaj can hear the very soft tread of Genevieve. He knows that she is trying to be quiet and curious of suddenly hearing Gabrielle's voice. He hears the door open slightly and then as she clears her throat. He quickly kisses Gabrielle on the cheek and walks over to Genevieve.

"So my dear. do you feel refreshed and ready for some food? I was thinking of cooking up a rather plain steak and maybe some potatoes. Would that be okay with you?"

He walks over to the ice cabinet and opens it to reveal what looks like an entire cow of meat stored in the compartment. He removes three rather large slabs of meat and takes them over to the stove and prepares to cook them. He then opens a pantry door and removes several large potatoes and prepares to clean and cook them.

Within an hour, they are all sitting in the dining room eating the meal that Vaj has prepared for them. Genevieve notices that the steaks that Vaj and Gabrielle are eating appear to be rare, almost not cooked at all.

PlayfulTigress 05-20-2002 05:15 PM

Keep up the good work. ;)

ASH 05-21-2002 12:30 AM


Gabrielle couldn't seem to calm down. Ever since her short conversation with Vaj in the kitchen her mind has been running a mile a minute. And when Genevieve entered, she felt herself go hot all over. The deep green dress fit her every curve and set off her beautiful hair. The girl was stunning. And now, at dinner, her mind can't help but fantasize about all that is to come. She eats her steak almost in a daze, only occasionally taking part in the conversation.

vampeyes 05-21-2002 04:11 PM


As they sit in the dining room and eat thier meals there seems to be a tension in the room that Genevieve just can't discern. As she eats her steak she looks at Vaj and Gabrielle and can't help but to shudder at the rareness of thier meat. It seems as if the meat is still oozing blood. Trying to focus on something else she starts to think about her two unlikely dinning companions. As her mind drifts she plays with the food on her plate. She doesn't feel that hungry for food all of a sudden.

Prophet Reality 05-21-2002 04:50 PM

Vaj could feel Gabrielle's eagerness, and Genevieve's uneasiness. As soon as Gabrielle takes the dishes away, Vaj moves next to Genevieve. "My dear, is something wrong?"

Genevieve doesn't look directly at him and Vaj glimpses what is wrong. "Did our meals desturb you? I am so terrrible sorry. Gabrielle and I have trouble eating meat that has been cooked too much. We need the vitamins and protiens that are cooked away. I am so sorry."

"So my dear, how badly do you want to go home? You are more than welcome to stay as long as you like. I know that Gabrielle and I would LOVE your company."

vampeyes 05-21-2002 06:01 PM


As Vaj talks to her his voice soothes her and she doesn't feel so wary anymore.

She just nods in response to his explianations of the food not really caring anymore now that she does not have to see it.

When Vaj asks her if she would like to stay she is struck silent.. She is tor. She knows she should go back to her normal life but wants to know what experiences await her here at Vaj's house.

Prophet Reality 05-21-2002 11:33 PM

Seeing her relax, Vaj then presses his attack, so to speak. "Well, we have a full wardrobe of clothes. A library that could keep anyone entertained for a long time, and freedom to do wahtever you wanted. You wouldn't have to worry about working, and ofcourse you could leave at any time. The only drawback, is that your days would pretty much be spent alone. But it is all up to you. You could have all of this." He waves his arm around the dining room and stops at Gabrielle.

"Or I can take you hone right now. It is all up you. I need to help Gabrielle clean up, so you think about it."

Vaj takes Gabrielle into the kitchen and closes the door. He looks her in the eyes and talks so softly that only she can hear. "I think that she will stay. But we will not pressure her. At least not right not." He looses an evil grin and his fangs slide down and past his lips.

vampeyes 05-22-2002 10:04 AM


As she sits alone in the dining room so many questions tumble through her mind. Could she really face a life of solitude during the day for the enchanted nights with Vaj and Gabrielle? Would her family be worried? Vaj did say she could go home any time that she wished. In her mind there seemed to be nothing wrong with staying a bit longer and gettng to know her two companions better. She arose from the table and went to the kitchen where Vaj and Gabrielle were. As she stepped in side Vaj's back was to her and Gabrielle had a mysterious smile on her lips. "I think that I have decided to stay for just a bit longer" she anounced with more confidence than she really felt after eyeing the closeness of the two in the kitchen

Prophet Reality 05-22-2002 10:20 AM

Vaj turns around and looks Genevieve in the eyes. "I am so glad that you have decided to stay for a while. Would you like to call home or go home to get anything?"

vampeyes 05-22-2002 11:02 AM


"I think that I should like to go home and gather a few of my things if its not too much trouble. If it is bothersome than I could call." she responded quickly to Vaj. Her heart was aflutter with the idea of staying here with him. She was worried that her words would betray her.

Prophet Reality 05-22-2002 03:38 PM

"Well my dear we can do that. Would you like to go tonite, or tomorrow? Either one can be arranged, and is easy enough to do." Vaj looks at her and smiles his most charming smile ever.

vampeyes 05-22-2002 06:13 PM


Her mind begins to wander.. Focus she says to herself he is talking to you. Vaj beams that dazzling smile at her and she looses all rational thought. "Whenever" she replies "I am in no big hurry".

ASH 05-23-2002 12:09 AM


As Vaj is speaking to her in the kitchen she can't help but let loose her own wicked smile. She nods, understanding not to pressure the young girl. She must be comfortable. Just then Genevieve walks into the kitchen, and announces that she wishes to stay, shocking Gabrielle, although she should have known that Vaj would have her convinced in no time. It always happened that way. As Vaj and Genevieve share a short dialogue, Gabrielle studies her, and can see her anxiety, but also the anticipation she is feeling. After Vaj flashes his smile she knows there is no turning back for Genevieve.
"Well then," breaks in Gabrielle, "if you're in no hurry, I think it would be best to stay in tonight. You still haven't gotten to see all of the house; although Vaj tells me that you did discover the library. The rest of the house is just as lovely." She looks at Vaj as if for agreement, and he catches the glint in her eyes.

vampeyes 05-23-2002 12:14 AM


Her attention is drawn to the lovely Gabrielle who offers to show her the house. Eager to know more about the beautiful house and the mystrious woman she eagerly accepts. She looks toward Vaj her eyes almost asking permission to follow the lovely Gabrielle.

Prophet Reality 05-27-2002 03:19 AM

"Well it seems that Gabrielle is anxious to show you around. Well then, be my guest, literally. You two look around, Gabriellle make sure you show here all the safe rooms. Don't show her the ones that need repairs and such, kinda embarassing and all. And I will finish cleaning up here."

Vaj flashes his grin again and turns around. He stops suddenly, and says, "Oh yes, and please get her adequately dressed too. That dress, though stuning on you my dear, and is not quite right for touring our home. But please feel free to wear any of the clothes that are in your room. I will catch up shortly."

vampeyes 05-27-2002 10:54 PM


As she walked up the stairs with Gabrielle to her room Genevive felt an excitement grow inside of her. She was thrilled to be going on a tour of the house and with Gabrielle no less. As they entered her room Gabrielle directed her to where she could find some more comfortable clothing. She chose a pair of jeans and a dark blue silk shirt in her size and changed quickly so that they could begin thier journey.

ASH 05-28-2002 01:33 AM


She could feel Genevieve's excitement as they climbed the stairs to her room. While she changed Gabrielle tried to avert her gaze, but still found herself staring as she slipped off the green dress and put on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt. "Well, what would you like to see first. We have a few other guest rooms, a game room with a billiards table, and also a room where we keep our collectibles. That room, I must say, is my favorite." Gabrielle looks at Genevieve and smiles, "It is completely up to you, my dear."

vampeyes 05-28-2002 01:57 AM


"I will follow anywhere you lead but I must admit that the collectables room does sound fascinating." she replied to Gabrielle hoping not to sound overly eager. She walks over to where Gabrielle is waiting for her and stops just in front of her waiting for her to lead the way.

Prophet Reality 05-28-2002 02:22 AM

Vaj utilizes his superior speed and quickly cleans up the mess. He does not kow what Genevieve will change into, but he know that she will not be wearing for much longer.

At the bottom of the stairs he sends out his thoughts and connects with Gabrielle and sees that the two of them are slowly making their way to the collectibles room. Vaj smiles wide and knows that Gabrielle did pick up on his thoughts after all.

He flies up the stairs and then waits behind them. He listens to their conversation, of Gabrielle explaining why some of the rooms are locked. Telling Genevieve that these are the rooms that are not safe at the moment for whatever construction problem that floats into her mind.

Finally, they arrive at the collectibles room. Vaj is around the corner, but can see what is transpiring before the ornate English oak doors. The very doors that once protected himself and Gabrielle from the sunlight when they resided in England long ago.

Gabrielle takes out a small scarf from a pocket and tells Genevieve that she wants to surprise her and it will be more fun if she just blindfolds Genevieve. At first Genevieve hesitates, then Vaj can see Gabrielle baack off, using the same tactics that he himself used before. As Gabrielle turns to walk into the room, Genevieve touches her arm and agrees to wear the blindfold.

dobbydog 05-31-2002 02:27 AM


Gabrielle can sense Vaj and knows he is watching from somewhere close by. Adrenaline rushes through her as she places the blindfold on the still hesitant Genevieve. "Don't worry," she whispers in the young girl's ear, "nothing will happen to you, it's just a room." Gabrielle then opens the large oak doors and leads Genevieve towards the center of the room.
"Can I take off the blindfold yet, " Genevieve asks excitedly. "Not yet, I have to make sure everything is set up correctly, " Gabrielle stalls as she stares at the lovely girl, debating with herself as to whether she should make a move or wait on Vaj. Finally her body takes over; she steps towards her and kisses her roughly, her hands running all over Genevieve's body in a fit of passion and pent up tension.

ASH 05-31-2002 02:30 AM

(OOC) sorry to put a break in the story, but the site knocked me off, so i just wanted to let you know that i posted the last part. alright, bye.

vampeyes 05-31-2002 11:09 AM


As Genevieve gives in to Gabrielle and allows her to blindfold her she cannot help but feel a little afraid at what is to come next. Gabrielle whispers into her ear as she places it on and it does soothe her just a bit. After Gabrielle leads her into the room she is desperate to get the blindfold off but is told that it's not yet time. She stands there fightened every noise seeming to be ten times louder since she cannot see anything. The she feels Gabrielle near.. she knows it is her because she can smell her perfume and the unique scent that is Gabrielle. Just as she was thinking that she was going to be relieved of the blindfold Gabrielle starts to kiss her almost savagely plundering her mouth. Genevieve lets out a startled cry that is lost in Gabrielles mouth. Gabrielles hands start to roam her body and she cannot deny the fire that her touches create inside. She opens herself to Gabrielles kiss and melts into her.

Prophet Reality 05-31-2002 04:07 PM

Vaj watches Gabrielle blindfold Genevieve and then steps into the hallway. he kows that gabrielle can sense him, nut knows the Genevieve cannot.

As they enter the room, Vaj slolwy walks to the open door and looks inside. He is still hidden in the shadows, but can see waht is happening within. He watches as Gabrielle can no longer resist and forces herself upon Genevieve. He can hear a tiny scream from Genevieve, but then he watches as her body responds to the actions of Gabrielle.

He slowly and quietly steps into the room and carefully closes the door. He knows that they are both lost in each other, and Genevieve still is blindfolded, but he wishes to act in the shadows, as he always has.

He steps over to a small table and loosen the straps that are attached to the surface. After making sure that they are secured properly, he moves behind Gabrielle and whispers into her ear so softly that he is sure that Genevieve can not hear him.

"It is time my pretty. Move her to the table and let us begin her pleasure together." To his surprise Genevieve reacts and he moves around to make sure that she does not try to tun away.

vampeyes 05-31-2002 11:33 PM


As she kisses Gabrielle back hungrily her mind tumbles... she is so unsure where these feelings are coming from and doesn't know what to do. Then she hears Vaj speaking to Gabrielle about moving her to a table and it frightens her. She starts to wonder just what she has gotten herslef into. She is unsure what to do... She is tempted to break free but where will she go. She starts to turn away from Gabrielle and feels something in her way..it's Vaj. He takes her arms and starts to pulll her in his direction. She stuggles against him and a startled cry escapes her lips.

Prophet Reality 06-01-2002 01:39 AM

"Oh my pretty little one, why are you so scared all of a sudden. Trust me, we will not hurt you. And will stop when you truly beg us too. I thought you wanted this. Don't you want the attention of myself and Gabrielle? Our attention centered on you and only you. You don't have to share us with anyone. And it is all for your pleasure that we do this."

He pauses for a long time, his grip loosend slightly. "But if you don't want this, I will gladly take you home and leave you to search out someone who will cherish and ravish you the way that you want. The way that we will."

He moves her next to the table. The wood feels cool against her, the blindfold is still on, and she has yet to move.

ASH 06-03-2002 01:32 AM


Gabrielle feels Genevieve tense up as Vaj whispers in her ear, and then can feel her move away, only to run into Vaj. Gabrielle watches Vaj try to calm Genevieve as he moves her towards the table and can't help but grin at his words. He always knows exactly what to say. She can tell Genevieve is still uneasy, but she is no longer struggling to get away. She wants it, Gabrielle can see it in the way her body moves and brushes up against the table which is hidden from her. She almost seems eager to get up there. Vaj then motions to Gabrielle to help him lift Genevieve up onto the table and get her strapped in. Gabrielle happily obliges, waiting impatiently to finish what the kiss started.

vampeyes 06-04-2002 09:42 AM


Listening to Vaj's melodious voice she is once again starting to calm but so many questions rage through her mind. She is unsure of what to do but when Vaj tells her that if she does not do this......want this then he will replace her with another it makes her go cold. She wants to be near him and of course the lovely Gabrielle as well. So she resigns herself to the unknown. Vaj did say that if she wanted them to stop that they would.... and Gabrielles kisses stirred a fire deep inside of her. She feels Gabrielle once again at her side and they help to lift her up onto a hard table. She can feel herself tense again and almost cries out as they start to strap her to the table- rendering her helpless.

Prophet Reality 06-04-2002 05:07 PM

He knows that he is pushing Ganevieve, but he wants her. And Vaj knows that Gabrielle wants her too. She finally relaxes enough for them to lift her onto the table. As the straps tighten around her wrists and ankles, he can see the fear enter her eyes.

Gabrielle takes the lead and is next to Genevieve and starts to kiss her again. Genevieve almost immediately relaxes and falls prey to Gabrielle's kisses again. Her legs want to move as do her hands, but they barely rise up off the table top.

Vaj then walks around the table and from a hidden drawer pulls out a small knife. He walks up next to Gabrielle and starts to carefully cut the shirt off of Genevieve. As her torso is more exposed, Vaj experiences a feeling he has not enjoyed in many years. The feeling of anticipation and arousal.

vampeyes 06-05-2002 10:48 AM


She tries to calm heself but she struggles a bit against the straps that hold her. Just as the panic threatens to close in upon her Gabrielle is there kissing her taking her back to the fires that burn within. She starts to loose herself in Gabrielles kiss but shivers as she feels something cool as Vaj strips her of her clothing. She is unsure of what to do... she is in a place she has never been before trapped somewhere between fear and arousal.

Prophet Reality 06-07-2002 12:03 AM

As Vaj looks upons Genevieve's body, he can see her body react to Gabrielle's kiss, as well as to what he is doing. He lloks at her full breasts and knows that he will have great pleasure with them. Gabrielle's hands start to move down Genevieve's face and to her chest. She feels the exposed skin and Vaj can hear a purr of pleasure from her. As Gabrielle's get closer to Genevieve's breasts, Vaj reachesdown with the little knife and carefully cuts the straps to let them free.

Gabrielle's hands slide over the globes of flesh and pushes what's left of the lacy material away from them. Genevieve seems to be caught up in the pleasure of the act and soon forgets that her hands and legs are bound. She arches her back for Gabrielle and trys to get more of her breasts inside of Gabrielle's hands.

Vaj then gently slides the knife down the exposed flesh of Genevieve's stomach until he reaches her pants. He slides his hands along the edge of the material until his hands are under Genevieve. She lifts her hips slightly and Vaj knows taht he will not have to cut her pants off of her. His hands slide over her sheathed legs to her feet, he pushs her shoes off and touches the flesh of her feet. He hears a soft, muffled giggle try to escape her mouth. Vaj slides his hands up her inner legs until he reaches her apex. Then he begins to unfasten her pants. As he gets them open, he slides his hands around her waist again and watches as Genevieve quickly lifts her hips to allow him to pull her pants down and out of his way.

Vaj looks up and see Genevieve kissing Gabrielle as she tries to get to Genevieve's breast. Gabrielle's breast are soon over Genevieve's mouth and brushes across her soft lips.

vampeyes 06-12-2002 11:14 PM


As she looses herself in Gabrielles kisses her body reacts almost violently in it's need. Gabrielles deft fingers glide over her breasts and she arches up needing and wanting more. Genevieves nipples become almost painfully taut in thier reaction to Gabrielle. She feels the cold blade of Vaj's knife along her stomach only as an afterthought and when she feels his hands upon her waistband she pushes up her hips as best as she is able to free herself of her confining pants. Her whole body feels as if Gabrielle has set it aflame with her kisses and caresses. As Vaj slides down her pants she feels almost a relief to be free of them. He removes her shoes and lightly touches her feet causing a giggle to be stifled by Gabrielles kiss. She feels Vaj's hands start to run up her thighs and it causes a tingling deep wthin her. Her legs begin to tremble with desire and yearning. Garbrielle then breaks the kiss eliciting a protesting groan from Genevieve but Gabrielle quickly kisses her way down from Genevieves throat to her chest finally reaching her breast and kissing and nibbling upon it as if Genevieve were a delectable morsel to be savored. Genevieve starts to moan and shiver from Gabrielles kisses. As Gabrieele leans over to savor Genevieves other breast her own breast passes across Genevieves lips... hesitantly Genevieve reaches out with her tongue and licks across Gabrielles clothing encased breast.

Prophet Reality 06-13-2002 03:25 AM

As Vaj looks up from between Genevieve's legs, he can see the seriousness of the situation. Genevieve licks Gabrielle's clothed nipple. As this happens Vaj can see Gabrielle's reaction, as her nipple hardens and threatens to break free from her blouse.

Vaj then starts to lick and kiss Genevieve's inner thighs. Vaj watches as her body convulses in a shiver that he knows is a combination of the two acts of passion being applied to her. Vaj licks and kisses his way up Genevieve's inner thighs and finally reaches his target.

He can smell her arousal and can see her wetness. Vaj looks up to see what is happening with his ladies. He sees Gabrielle stop what she is doing and rises above Genevieve. She looks down to Vaj and then pulls her blouse up and off of her body. Her stunning breast fall free from the shirt and she lowers herself back down to Genevieve.

Vaj can see that they are enjoying each other as he returns to his quest. His face lowers to Genevieve's pussy and his tongue flicks out to touch her aroused clit. Another shiver flows through her body and her legs try to close around his head. Vaj's hands start to roam up and down Genevieve's legs. Caressing and touching all of her flesh that he can touch.

dobbydog 06-14-2002 01:45 AM


Finally Gabrielle feels some release as she kisses Genevieve all over, making her way down to her breasts. She can feel Genevieve shiver and knows she is theirs. The thought quickly passes when she feels Genevieve lick her nipple, her silk blouse barely numbing the feeling. She feels herself grow even hotter, and knows that she will not be clothed much longer. She stops, only for a moment, and takes off her blouse, her breasts free and nipples hard, awaiting Genevieve's mouth. She leans over Genevieve and brushes her nipples up against her lips, teasing, needing to see her want it. Genevieve attempts to raise up, and Gabrielle lets out a small laugh before returning back to her. Amid the passion, Gabrielle steals a look at Vaj as he makes his way up Genevieve's leg to her clit. Genevieve begins to breathe harder.

vampeyes 06-16-2002 10:54 AM


As Gabrielle frees herself from the confines of her blouse Genevieve watches her through half closed eyes. As Gabrielle starts to tease Genevieve's mouth with her nipple and breast she flicks her tongue out trying to taste it. Just as she finally captures Gabrielle's nipple between her lips and starts to suck on it - suckling her as a babe and running her tongue across the hardness of it she feels Vaj's kisses moving slowly up ker thighs. The feelings are so intense and unlike any she has ever known before. Gabrielle kissing her breasts and Vaj licking and kissing her thighs is causing her whole body to tremble. Finally Vaj reaches his destination and Genevieve's whole body tenses before relaxing into his ministrations. Her thighs strain at the bonds that hold them trying to keep Vaj there. As Vaj's tongue flicks back and forth over her clit her thighs begin to quiver and shake. Her whole body is straining against the bonds that hold her back.

Prophet Reality 06-24-2002 05:52 PM

Vaj can feel Genevieve's body tense with the building passion. He can see her body react to Gabrielle's attention and body. Vaj's own body starts to react to the sight of their two bodies. Vaj reaches over and with a free hand runs it up Gabrielle's legs to her tight ass. He licks Genevieve's wet pussy one more time and then pulls himself from her body.

Vaj steps up behind Gabrielle and runs his hands all over her body. As she arches away from Genevieve's mouth, Vaj begins to rip her clothes off. Not wanting to be a gentleman any further. As the cool air rushes across her body, she releases a moan and returns to her ministrations on Genevieve.

Vaj returns back to Genevieve's luscious body and begins to lower his head back between her thighs. Her scent fills his supernatural senses and drives his mind further into the mood of ravishing her gorgeous body.

Prophet Reality 06-29-2002 09:04 PM

Say it isn't so. My thread is dying I dost believe.

Sugarsprinkles 06-30-2002 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Prophet Reality
Say it isn't so. My thread is dying I dost believe.

NOOOOO!!! Anything but that!! Don't let it die.....PLEASE!!!:whiteghos :(

Prophet Reality 07-01-2002 11:57 AM

Well I hope it won't, but if my fellow ladies of Syn don't reply soon, it just might.

vampeyes 07-02-2002 10:40 AM

As Vaj pulls Gabrielle away from her she starts to panic... it can't be over but Vaj rips off Gabrielles clothing and she settles once again on top of Genevieve. Genevieve starts to lick and suck at Gabrielles brest with a passion. She encircles the nipple with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth. She continues to suck strongly on her nipple centering her attention there until she feels Vaj's tongue working it's way back up her thighs. A low moan escapes her throat as he makes contact with her clit. Her body arches as far as her restraints will allow and she feels as if she is floating on a sea of pleasure. She is almost incoherent with the exstacy she feels in her body... as if she will loose her mind if she does not orgasm soon.

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