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Old 02-26-2004, 01:44 PM
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BamaKyttn BamaKyttn is offline
Starry-eyed Pixie
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>>>>Weapons are there too just the liberal media wont report it. Now I do hope your kidding when you said "you know the kind that go out and find people like me and either burn them at the stake for being witches or torture and sometimes kill us for being homosexuals and loving those closer to us." Ain't that pretty much accusing people like myself of doing something immoral and being cold killers? Now I'm sorry to you homosexuals but its been said since the time of Adam and Eve that marraige should only be between a man and a woman.<<<<<

No it's accusing people like you of being guilty of an illegal thing Discrimination. Morals don't have a damn to do with it.Remember, burning at the stake I don't question peoples morals, I can't make you up hold your morals.Hitlers' morals were that anyone not blonde, tall and fair complected was inferior...... well hey I'm a master race then :P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

as for the creation of a child..... the catholics preach that EVERY sexual encounter shoulf have at least a large marginal chance of producing a child, otherwise you have sinned in the eyes of god. but you know I've seen some people who don't need to breed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LILITH wheres that damn mute button I asked for?
-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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