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Old 11-15-2003, 08:21 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617
Emily had finally returned the letter to its envelope and set it almost reverently on the corner of her desk, placing the rose gently on top. She didn't worry about it wilting, the stem was encased in one of thost test tubes florists used. Even so, she couldn't help thinking it was a pity not to have it displayed in a bud vase for all to admire.

The morning passed slowly. She struggled to keep her attention focused on her work despite the fact that her eyes and thoughts kept wandering. She wondered what he looked like and what the real Emily would think when she read her lover's words. She found herself feeling a bit possessive, in fact. Hoping that the other Emily (as she had come to think of her) would cherish his words the way she would do if they had been meant for herself.

Finally, unable to bear the waiting any longer, Emily pressed the button on the intercom. "Janet? Did you hear back from Personnel yet?"

"They only just called back, Mrs. Jones. It seems you are the only Emily here. Yes, I made them check and double check -- even the housekeeping staff. I'm sorry. What is this all about anyway?"

"Thanks a bunch, Janet. It's nothing important really. Just going on a whim. Say, Jan?"


"Did you see anyone come into my office this morning before I got here? Anyone. Anyone at all?"

"No, ma'am. I've been here since eight as usual. No one gets past Eagle-eye Harmon. You know that. Ohh... " Janet paused as if a light bulb had suddenly lit up in her head. "If all this is about the rose and the note -- I've been dying to know myself who left it. It was already there when I came in this morning. Is it from your husband?"

"Yes. And no, it's not from Harvey. Thanks, Janet. You're a peach." Emily's fingers went back to the letter and the rose. It had to have been misdirected, she sighed. Since there was no card and nothing further to identify the sender, Emily Jones argued her right to take at least temporary possession -- just for safekeeping. She just couldn't let the flower sit there. No, the rose and the sentiment behind it deserved special recognition in the real Emily's absence.

Standing up, Emily opened the bottom drawer of her filing cabinet knowing she had a bud vase stashed there. It wasn't crystal, or even cut glass, but it would serve. She'd bring something more elegant to place it in from home tomorrow.
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