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Old 03-24-2005, 03:45 AM
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Contraide Contraide is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: California
Posts: 34
Any Number Can Play

"It may not be on the menu," I said, smiling to Molly with a glint in my eye, "but I do think that it's on offer, and it's definitely something we both want, isn't it?"

With the counter girl so close between us, I laid my hand on the bare skin of her back for a moment, and then ran it down, over her so-short skirt and the enticing rump beneath, to the newly elevated hem of her skirt -- and then beneath it, to push up from behind her and come to rest on the curve of her ass.

Having two hands, which was really handy just now, I ran a finger along the top of Molly's dress, its tip touching the bare flesh of her bosom as it moved slowly along its journey. "I hope that we can do this here," I said, quite quietly, looking at the girl who worked here now, "where other people can come in and join us, or watch as they like. But we could go somewhere else if that is necessary. But we should do that right away. All three of us have too many clothes on."
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