Thread: Simon Says
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Old 11-22-2003, 12:51 PM
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Posts: 38
The Intruder

He throws the tape at the boy.

"Simon Says: Play the tape."

He grins at the sick expression on the kid's face.

He looks like he's gonna be sick!

But the boy does not move. The grin fades.

"Now!" he snaps.

Slowly, visibly shaking, the boy gets up and takes the video over to the projector/VCR. Switching both of them on, he feeds the tape into the video recorder and presses play button.

"And get your mother and yourself some more glasses of wine." as an image is projected against a whitewashed wall painted that way specifically for that purpose.

The boy returns to the couch with the two glasses and they just have enough time to down them (at the behest of the intruder) before the credits starts.

Since he can see his captives quite clearly by the light of the screen, he dims the lamp.

"Now, Mrs Fairfax. I want you to see exactly the type of films your son likes."
Everyone has a dark side. This is mine.
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