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Old 03-21-2005, 11:29 PM
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Contraide Contraide is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: California
Posts: 34
The Wonders of Cell Phones

I had finished up my business in Monterey, even if it had taken hours longer than it should have. At least I could be satisfied that I had done a good job.

Now, it was time to reward myself. If I could find that coffee house, there was at least a chance that Molly would be there, though to be realistic I expected that I would never see her again.

I went back to my hotel, showered, and changed into a black blazer over a maroon turtleneck, with black slacks and loafers. As I rode the elevator down from my room, I checked my voice mail -- and to my delight I heard Molly's voice on my phone.

I nearly ran the distance to my Ferrari and zipped on over to the address -- and sure enough, there was the coffee house. I parked and strode into the place, looking around.
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