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Old 11-01-2003, 10:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Manfred Allison

The plane landed at JFK International on time for a change. Manfred collected his luggage and headed for the taxi stands, going to the first one in line. The ‘rag head’ helped him load his bags into the trunk then jumped into the drivers’ seat, Manfred entered the back.

“Where to,” the driver asked with an Arabic accent?

“The Phoenix Tower please,” Manfred replied.

The ride to the Tower seemed longer than Manfred knew it should be. Finally they pulled up to the entrance of the Tower.

“That will be $50 please,” the cabbie said.

Manfred opened the door and slide out, going to the rear of the cab to get his bags. The driver followed opening the trunk, and lifting the bags out.

“That will be $50 please,” he repeated.

“I tell ya what buddy,” Manfred said, slapping a twenty into the mans hand. “I’ve been to New York before, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen the ‘Chrysler Building’ three times on one ride.”

He picked up his bags and backed through the revolving doors of the Tower, listening to the ‘rag head’ cuss at him in Arabic, he just smiled back. As he turned around he noticed all the Security Guards posted throughout the main floor. Thinking of all the events that had happened in New York in the past couple of years, it didn’t surprise him. He walked to the Information Desk at the center of the lobby.

“Hi,” he said to the receptionist. “I’m to meet someone here?”

“Your name Sir,” she replied.

“Allison, Manfred Allison.”

“Yes Sir, you are expected. Top floor. Bruce here will accompany you.”

Manfred watched intently as Bruce went through the ‘High Security’ checks. The thumbprint scan was a nice touch.

I love this cloak and dagger shit. he thought to himself.

“So, who am I going to meet,” he asked ‘Bruce’, trying to glean any pre-information he could.

Bruce ignored him as they ascended to the top of the Tower. Manfred thought he might have to pay ‘Bruce’ another $50 fare, as long as the ‘ride to the top’ took. Finally the elevator came to a stop, and the doors opened.

“Thank you Bruce,” said the tall, dark haired man standing there. “I’ll take care of Dr. Allison from here.”

“Yes Sir, Mr. Randolph,” Bruce answered.

“Mr. Randolph,” Manfred said, picking up his bags and tipping his head in acknowledgement. “Now what?”

“This way please,” Mr. Randolph said leading Manfred into the Penthouse.
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