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Old 12-25-2004, 06:52 PM
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Contraide Contraide is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: California
Posts: 34
Better and Better

I carry my clothes and shoes over to my car and set them down in the passenger seat. Still naked, I look about into the darkness. Already, my erstwhile partner has not one but two new lovers, and another woman has joined in with them.

Then I see that one of the men Molly had been with has spied another woman in the darkness. It seems that there were not one but at least two female voyuers here, and that I had missed them both!

But I did not miss the third one, the fully dressed one with the can of soda in her hand. I first saw her along the path, near the benches, where she might just have been looking in the right direction, but then she seemed to notice what was going on, and turned slightly to walk towards the group.

When I saw her hand go down to her pussy I knew that I was in business again, and it was a good thing that my erection had started to come back again. Being at an off angle to her, I clear my throat as I approach her from her side.

"Good evening," I announce fairly quietly, intending for her to hear without interrupting Molly and the others. "If you like, I have something for you here," I say, gesturing toward my cock.
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