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Old 04-27-2008, 10:01 AM
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Tina Taylor Tina Taylor is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 75
They had ridden hard through the day, pausing only briefly to clean the imp-cum off themselves in a stream. That had nearly been a big delay, as the girls bathed in the water. Ashley had found Katie standing next to her, and the refreshing stream had, as always, filled her with desire. She had kissed Katie, passionately, loving the feel of the blonde's body pressed against hers. Her mom and Melanie, and then Emily and Brooke had become similarly entwined. Only Brianna, despite looking at Ashley with sultry eyes, managed to keep her head together, pleading with them to remount the horses and continue onward. Reluctantly they had agreed.

Only as the day lengthened did they finally come to a halt.

"Ashley may recognize where we are, but even she's only been here once before," said Brianna, she and Ashley sliding off the horse together. Brianna continued, "We are close to the sea, and my city is just beyond this line of woods. We'll have to keep an eye out, but we should wait until dark before we approach the city. In the meantime, I know of a dell just inside the forest. We should be hidden there."

The girls all dismounted, Emily and Susan somewhat awkwardly as they shared horseback with Brooke. Brianna then led the girls and horses into the woods. Ashley soon realized they were on a path, winding down a hillside. Within a few minutes they came a little grassy dell, where a stream wound in and became a shallow pool, before draining out the other side on its way to the sea.

At last Brianna seemed to relax. She filled her waterskin and drank, then passed it to Ashley, who refreshed herself. She felt her pussy become wet. Emily walked past her, looking gorgeous, sliding her fingertips along Ashley's skin. She went up to Brianna and hugged her.

"Thank you for trying to save me," she said. "I'm so sorry I helped make this mess happen."

"My sweet," Brianna smiled, "You have to understand it's not your fault. Gor's magic is strong. You were not fully in control of yourself when you were in his power."

Emily moved forward slowly, hesitantly, and looked into Brianna's eyes. Ashley could see the elf's desire. Apparently Emily did, too, because she kissed Brianna passionately. Brianna returned the kiss, and the two of them sank down to the grass, laying side by side. Brianna slipped a long leg over Emily's hip, and Emily moved her thigh up between Brianna's.

Ashley, standing next to Katie, felt Melanie move up between them. The red-headed elf kissed first Katie, then Ashley, looking at them with wide green eyes. Ashley saw that her mom was already laying on the grass, Brooke on top of her, the two of them softly touching and kissing.

She knew she needed this. After all the anxiety and fear of Gor's palace, followed by the disappointment of failing, and the intense fucking they'd all received, the tender touch of a woman would calm her and prepare her for the next adventure.

She laid down, Katie and Melanie joining her. Melanie lay between them, Katie and Ashley leaning over her, kissing her, and each other, in turn. She felt Melanie's soft fingertips on her breast, then move down her side and over to her pussy. Ashley opened her legs, moaning at the touch of the elf's fingers on her soft pussy. She returned the favor, slipping a hand down to Melanie's pussy, only to find Katie's fingers already there, softly rubbing the elf's clitoris. Ashley smiled, sliding down to kiss Melanie's firm round breast, then moving down further, kissing along her abs, down to her hip. Melanie opened her legs wide for Ashley. Katie paused in kissing Melanie to look down. Ashley looked into her eyes, telling her silently that she wanted to do this as much to Katie as to Melanie. She could see in Katie's eyes the same desire. Ashley moved between Melanie's long, lean legs, and began to kiss her pussy softly, Katie continuing to work her clitoris. Ashley licked her labia lovingly, slowly, patiently. They could take their time. She was with wonderful lovers, who would make sure they gave her the kind of pleasure she gave them. It was still two or more hours before it would be dark. Ashley was in no hurry at all.

"Ashley, Brooke, and I will go," said Brianna.

The girls lay on the grass by the beautiful pool, the stars overhead twinkling in the gaps between the trees. A gentle breeze blew. All of them felt sensational, having given and received pleasure for hours. Ashley felt nothing but warmth and joy. Sex with the elves never left her exhausted, only happy and exhilarated, and craving more.

"I want to go, too," said Susan immediately. Emily and Katie concurred.

"No," said Brianna. "Susan, you must remain safe here. And Melanie will remain with you to guide you to Aphrodite's island if we are captured. Ashley has proven before to be most useful in a hard situation, and Brooke is the fastest runner among us, so she can hopefully warn you if things go ill. Numbers aren't any use here. Make sure you leave before dawn. If we haven't returned by then, we aren't going to."

And with that they were off, Brianna leading the way out of the dell and along another path. Other than the starlight, it was dark. Small creatures chattered and rustled in the woods, but there was no other sound.

Then they heard voices. From a distance, the harsh laughter of deep voices, and the high pitched cries of women in ecstacy.

"I think we're too late," Brooke sighed.

Brianna nodded, but pressed on. Ashley followed the elves closely, too anxious to properly admire their slim, sexy bodies in front of her. The trees thinned, and firelight could be seen from the clearing beyond. Brianna dropped to her hands and knees, crawling the last few yards across the soft forest floor.

At the edge of the forest, the land sloped away to a broad grassy lawn. The houses of Ariel's seaside town could be seen, sporadically lit by lanterns and torches. In the starlight and moonlight, the sea shimmered in the distance, white ribbons of surf barely visible.

Ashley recognized the lawn below as the place of the battle with the dark elves. Now a large bonfire burned in the middle, with lanterns raised on poles dotting the rest of the lawn. On the center of the grass sat Gor his muscular black body reflecting the reddish flame of the fire. A petite blonde elf was riding his huge black cock, screaming in pleasure. All around the lawn, other elves were in ecstacy. Among them were the demons and succubi, engaged with them in a massive orgy. Everywhere Ashley looked she could see demons fucking elves and succubi, the women riding their cocks, or sucking on them, or eating one another's pussies. It was an incredible sight, and Ashley felt an insane desire to burst out of the woods and join them. Her pussy was flowing with her desire.

"Do not move," whispered Brianna. "I feel the desire too. It is Gor's magic. He's not focused at all on us, but still we feel the lust he creates."

"I see Ariel," Brooke hissed, pointing near the bonfire. Ashley followed the direction of her finger, and immediately saw the gorgeous elf queen. She was on her hands and knees, bucking wildly, looking over her shoulder at the demon who was fucking her hard and well. Her expression was one of crazed desire and pleasure.

"Our queen can't help us," Brianna sighed. "Come, we've seen enough. Let's go."

They crept away from the forest edge. Ashley struggled to follow Brianna and Brooke, her body aching to join the orgy. But she remembered Brianna's words, knowing that the desire was not her own. At least, not totally her own. She followed them at last, creeping back through the woods, returning to the dell less than an hour after leaving. Brianna told the others what they'd seen.

"We need to get to the dock," Melanie said at once. "We need a boat."

"It's too dangerous," Brianna shook her head. "I can't be sure, but I think I saw some demons among our houses. The chance of a demon or succubus seeing us is too high if we go into the town. We'll head south, to Rocky Harbor, and get a boat there."

Brooke wrinkled her nose, "That's a pirate port. The price will be steep for a boat."

"But it's the only port nearby, unless you want to head upriver to where Ashley and her friends received their welcome. The price will be even higher there," Brianna said. "I don't think we have a choice. Lead the horses for now. Once we are clear, we can ride some tonight, rest, and reach Harbor Town tomorrow."
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