Thread: Making time fly
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Old 02-15-2003, 12:20 AM
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Messalina Messalina is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: in whipped cream & sprinkles
Posts: 144

Jack's necktie dangling from his trouser pocket drew her eyes downward. She didn't mean to look. Really. But she couldn't help herself. It was right... there. Neely felt a flush spread across her face as she struggled to raise her eyes to meet her companion's. He had no way of knowing if it was embarrassment or arousal. Or did he? She wasn't all that experienced when it came to men. Neely sighed deeply. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake. If she thought she needed a drink before, she really needed one now.

In Cahoots seemed busy for a week night, in her estimation. Then again, what did she know? Coffeehouses were more her thing. Smoky and dimly lit, the place was abuzz with conversation. It was one of those places where the locals all came after work to hang out, shoot the breeze and let their hair down. In more way than one.

They made their way through the crowd to a booth at the back of the room, and Jack slid smoothly onto the bench across from her. The waitress must have been hot on their tails and was already putting napkins and a basket of popcorn on the table in front of them. "Hiya, Jackie. How you doing?"

So he was popular or at least a regular here. Neely wasn't sure if that was good or bad. She didn't want competition from another woman, no matter who it was. Something inside of her said she needed him to pay attention to her and her alone.

"So. Whatcha having?"

The waitress hadn't turned her gaze from Jack, but I knew she was addressing me. "Umm... red wine, I think. House will be okay."

"Sure thing, sweetie. The usual, Jackie?" He nodded and the waitress turned away.

Neely couldn't help the pang of something akin to jealousy she felt when she noticed how he watched her butt as she swished her way across the room to the bar. She wanted him to look at her the same way... and more so.

The flush returned to her cheeks as she cleared her throat to get his attention. "Do you come here a lot? I've never been." She wanted him to talk. She wanted to hear his voice and look into his eyes. She wanted to know everything there was to know about him. Most of all, she wanted...
Glistening moonlight caresses the dewed silk petals of a luscious blood red rose, yearning to be experienced, her sweet lusty fragrance uninhibited and irresistible. ~Donovan~
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