Thread: Making time fly
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Old 10-21-2003, 03:06 PM
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jamaican1 jamaican1 is offline
horny as hell
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 290
as they stood outside of the bar continuing the conversation, neither one kept track of time. Why would they, they were lost in conversation. Half an hour passed by and once again Kara interrupted the conversation.

Kara was putting trash out on the curb when she saw them still on the sidewalk chatting away. "Hell, if you're gonna jaw all night y'all might as well come back inside out of the cold `till I leave"

glancing at each other no wanting the evening to end, Jack and Neely agreed.

"Go on in and I'll lock the door behind you"

As Jack followed Neely back into the bar he was surprised whe she suddenly stopped. Half an hour ago she'd taken out her keys to her car and now she'd dropped them again. This time jack was walking behind her and when she stopped, he bumped into her. Normally that would have been no problem... but now... he had a hard on and even though he was polite enough to back up quickly. He knew she'd felt it.
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