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Old 12-02-2003, 06:41 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Posts: 449
George Piffle

Even as he staggers to avoid his niece, there is a sudden eclipse. Wondering what is blocking the light, he finds himself staring at a man-mountain that he quickly recognises as his nephew, Daniel.

He's bigger than ever!

Of course, the boy isn't taking notice of him. Not while there is his aunt to ogle, who is currently wiggling her full hips in their direction as she finally heads upstairs to presumably, (hopefully?) dress.

At least Gracie will be glad that Dan is here. He thinks to himself, remembering that other Christmas and how happy Gracie was. Then his face drops as he remembers how frisky she was too.

“Wait, where’s Grandma? Wasn’t someone supposed to pick her up?” His niece is saying.

"Ma!!!" His eyes open in horror. "I've forgotten to pick her up from the airport!!!! I am doomed! DOOMED!!!!"

Leaving his niece and nephew, George grabs his coat and keys and dashes outside; only to find that the pathway has iced up. The occupants inside the house hear a terrible shriek, followed by an almost crash a few moments later...
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