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Old 08-04-2003, 10:53 PM
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Vicious Tease Vicious Tease is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
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Moving through the shadows, I check the patio and pool area to make sure I am alone. I quickly move to the deck chair near the ladder in the deep end of the pool and retrieve the bag hidden beneath it. Pulling out my next disguise, I neatly lay it over the chair, giggling softly to myself.

Hearing what sounds like a door closing, I stand and turn to the house. I watch the shadows for a while, but see nothing.

With a shrug I mumble, "I'm getting paranoid," and slip out of the farmer's daughter costume. I pack it all in the bag and hide it under the chair again.

Another sound catches my attention and I glance at the house once more. Deciding it's nothing, my attention moves to the pool. I smile softly, watching the water sparkle as the moonlight bounces off the surface, tempting me beyond reason. One last glance at the patio and I slide into the pool, swimming to the shallow end. With a deep sigh I lean my head back against the side of the pool, closing my eyes ...
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