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Old 08-03-2003, 10:46 PM
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Vicious Tease Vicious Tease is offline
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"Well, Shit ..." I mumble as the chef walks out the door. I guess I'll have to change again when I finish here.

In the meantime, I resume my reading. I come across a story titled Summer Costume Bash. Reading through it I recognize several of the characters as they are all at this party. There are a few in the story that haven't arrived yet though. I quickly jot down all of the names and their respective costumes. Most of Skip's activities seem to take place in the same room. Hmmm ... I don't remember seeing that room when I made my initial tour of the house. Interesting ...

Having finished combing through the story for clues, I close the file and check to see that his desk is just as I found it. I slip out of the study and head out the back door to change into the costume I've hidden out by the pool ...
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