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Old 03-05-2005, 02:41 AM
joys joys is offline
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Originally Posted by Loulabelle
As others have said here, no relationship is perfect, but it's easy to think that a new relationship is better than an old one and you may well find (as both my friend and I did) that when you end one relationship for the sake of a new one, that the new one fails even to get off the ground, and the sole purpose of that all encompassing attraction was simply to extract you from your unhappy relationship. It's like you're attracted to your own freedom rather than this new person but you're blinded to see it. Your thoughts are 'the feelings are so strong, it must be 'the real thing'' but in fact that often doesn't turn out to be the case.

I wouldn't agree with that Loulabelle. You can't be sure if you didn't try, and if you didn't try you could be sorry for the rest of your life. If it's not working, it's not working whether there is someone else involved or not.

No need to be pessimistic about what may come -- nor to be optimistic either LOL
I always wanted to fuck reality but reality always fucked me before.
Angels in America
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