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Old 09-16-2001, 05:35 PM
Robeye Robeye is offline
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A Brit writes.....

Ok I appreciate that there is no need for what I am about to write but I feel I have to make a few points out, I am NOT dissing Americans cos I am not a prejudiced person, and I am also not taking away from Tuesdays tragedy cos that was by far and away the saddest thing that I can ever remember feeling. All I am doing is responding to some of the crap written up above that although I agree with everything else that was written, so don't start on me I'm just correcting a few things:

A) pretty much All jet planes engines are based around the ROLLS ROYCE engine, which is and has always been a British development, so the Americans don't take all the credit I'm afraid.

B) It wasn't just americans who died on tuesday.

C) America, as is constantly "bragged" may have tipped the balance to win the second world war, but they only joined after they were affected at Pearl harbour, if America had joined-in the second world war earlier after being pleaded to several times, then literally millions of lives could and would have been saved on both sides.

D) Other countries did not join in the Vietnam war cos it was a war that did NOT need to be fought, most Americans will probably agree.

I know this is seemingly controversial, but bear in mind I keep an open mind with no prejudice, I just have an irritating need to set some needless records straight.

God Bless america and the free world, rest in peace all those who died except the killers. I never used to long for a hell before this week, but if there is no such thing as hell then there will never be a justice for those behind this.

My heart goes to all who have lost someone.... (@)
Free love was just another party for the hippies to ruin
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