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Old 01-18-2005, 06:12 AM
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boilergirl1 boilergirl1 is offline
Rollercoasters ROCK!!!!!!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: northern washington for a 'minute'
Posts: 1,006
i think i swooned

perhaps another word would work better but at the moment it escapes me. I lay there in utter bliss not wanting for this beautiful feeling to ever pass. but pass it must and did i fell into a light slumber filled with visions of naked bodies and lust filled sex. when i awoke i gathered my clothing together and slowly got dressed. I gave the beautiful lady a kiss lingering on her lips then another deep kiss for our male partner and made my way towards the parking lot and my car it had to be close to daybreak by now and i was exausted. I'd go home and sleep for awhile then try again to make it to the next nites poetry reading.
~There is nothing you can do, that can't be done~


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