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Old 08-06-2004, 03:06 AM
Pandas Pandas is offline
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Can't(won't?) orgasm during sex...

Alright, a little of my sexual history first I suppose.

I'm 18, and I've been with three women. My first time was when I was 16, with an older and more experienced woman. In anticipation for the event, I didn't whack it for two weeks. In all honesty when it came down to the night I thought to myself "Oh shit, I haven't beat off for two weeks...I'm going to pop the second she touches me". Well, as you can tell by my thread title, it didn't happen. Second relationship..*shudder* Oops, is all I can say about that.

In my current relationship, the sex is very, very intense. In my limited experience It's never really been quite like this, and of course I love it. But that's not the point. In short I just plain don't cum during sex. I do when I masturbate, or when I get a blowjob. But no dice when we're having sex. As it is, I know I derive my pleasure from pleasing the person I'm with. If I've ever felt close to an orgasm it's when I hear her gasp "Oh god I'm cumming" and see that look on her face, hearing the sounds coming from her.

I can't say I'm really complaining about the situation, I know she isn't. I still feel *extremely* satisfied after sex and I'm not dwelling over the fact that I didn't get off. I just know it's something I'd like to experience sometime. I guess I'm just curious if anyone else has been in this situation, and has it changed for you?

Sorry for the long post.
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