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Old 08-04-2004, 08:35 AM
sweetlady sweetlady is offline
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Posts: 117
I said yes, but not by choice. I guess it really sort of was by choice.. my ex-husband brought a woman in to fulfill his FFM fantasy, and we had sex. I had said I would do it, but wasn't prepared, really. And I had agreed to do it once, in order to give him that fantasy, then never again.

I did not enjoy it. I didn't like the taste of her, I didn't like the feel of her "softness," her shape was not appealing to me, and she BIT my clit, very hard, which was not remotely pleasant to me. I have less than no interest at all in ever doing it again. He, on the other hand, loved it, became obsessed with it. To the point he was constantly taking me to bars and asking me to "pick us up a woman."

I have only a couple of times even remotely considered it, with dear friends, and even then, I found if I went on to fantasize about what I was thinking, I lose interest quickly.

I simply find the male body to be FAR FAR more erotic and attractive than women. In fact, I would find a technically "unattractive" man over a very "attractive" woman in a heartbeat. Oddly enough... I fantasize about heavy men, I fantasize about bald men, I fantasize about every shape and size of man. None of it turns me off, only if they do not maintain good hygeine. It makes me sad sometimes to see men without self esteem because of their hair or their weight... all men are beautiful! I honestly have yet to find anything about men except ones that look mean, or ones that don't bathe/ brush their teeth/ etc that is unattractive.
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