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Old 07-03-2004, 08:18 AM
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Originally posted by maddy
Given her status as a student (if she returns in the fall), I would venture to say that her family will be bearing the financial burden of her mistake. Which doesn't seem quite right.

And I definitely do not agree with her record being cleared.

Here here! I don't like playing "sideline judge and jury" but this girl seems awfully manipulitive and I just can't shake the feeling that her "depression" is so convenient for her case. Also...liars have a hard time keeping their stories straight...ergo, the reason hers might change so drastically and so often!

If they clear her it like deleting ones history in a computer? It's still in there but just has to be searched for at a deeper level. I ask because if she does something like this in the future...she'll have the knowledge of her past wrongs but no one else will. one but those who remember this case. It's not like she is a juvenile. They shouldn't be able to clear her record! What she did was very wrong and she should be reminded of it at every turn! I don't agree that it was a youngster doing a rash and stupid prank. Even though it wasn't as well thought out as she thought it was (the security camera caught her going into the room alone and of her own free will) I think if she hadn't been caught she would have perpetuated this till the day she died! Sick? Yes! She needs help with self esteem...not a clear record!

P.S. I agree with Irish's statement to Loulabelle, that a rapist actually committed the crime. No one kidnapped this girl. She tried to dupe everyone!
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