Thread: Aftermath
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Old 05-03-2004, 06:07 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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It is almost midnight before Jack enters the front door of his home.

Home! He thinks to himself as he hooks up his coat. It doesn't seem much like that, lately.

In fact, he could have been home hours earlier but he had taken the 'scenic' route, stopping at a bar on the way. But even that does not delay him indefinitely and now, standing in the hallway, he looks up towards the bedroom and briefly wonders if the two of them are together right at this very moment. He quickly dismisses it as he knows that tomorrow is a school day and Janice wouldn't want him to stay up late. Still, the fact that he has been in their bed with her causes his stomach to churn.

He had tried to fight it, to tell himself that they are doing it because they have been told to, that it is for the good of their country. But he has noticed how Mark has changed. Before all this, the two of them have been close - buddies. Now, it is as if the boy resents him. And his wife is no different. She has been so distant. It is as if he is no longer part of the family.

Immediately, he tries to dismiss the notion. Telling himself not to be so daft and that Janice still loves him, that everything will be okay after this is all over.

However, the doubt remains.

Moving as quietly as he can, he heads for the stairs. Only to stop as he notices a light in the living room.

Janice must have forgotten to turn it off.

Entering the room, he finds his wife sitting in his favourite armchair as she looks at the burning open fire.

"I see you finally decided to come home." She says to him without looking up.

It is then he notices the way she is dressed and that on the coffee table is a bottle of wine in a small bucket. Next to it, two wine glasses - one empty...
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