Thread: Mom/Son Love
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Old 04-17-2004, 07:19 AM
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Loulabelle Loulabelle is offline
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Hmmm - I'm interested in the 'moral' side of this topic.......

I have to say that I find it interesting that while in most countries I believe that incest between close blood relations is illegal, it is something that is allowed on this site in terms of stories etc, whereas other illegal things such as bestiality are not considered acceptable.

I also find it odd that stories concerning, say, a girl of 17 are not allowed here while most of us here probably lost our virginity under the age of 18 and that in a lot of countries (Britain included) the age of consent is, in fact 16.

Personally, I find it hard to accept that people here are so quick to judge in favour of a story about incest involving preganancy (which is the whole reason incest is illegal - inbreeding can cause genetic faults etc in the resulting offspring) and yet on the advice thread recently, a person who'd had a sexual relationship with a 16 year old (totally legal in the country in which this happened) was described as 'sick'.

Makes me wonder how much people's morals are born out of their own thoughts and musings, and how much they are born out of the rules of this particular site.

Having said all that, I've never had a problem with reading stories about any of the kind of subjects I've seen here or on other sites - fiction is exactly that, and the issue of incest has fascinated folks since Ancient Greece, and probably earlier.
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