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Old 04-16-2004, 09:30 PM
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Eliza Eliza is offline
A Little of Both
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Question Mother Nature Can Bite Me

Once again....Mother Nature has come to visit dispite my valiant efforts to get preggers. And my question is about ovulation.

*men..turn back here...while you still*

Here's the deal... I bought one of those "spit test" ovulation tests where you look at your dried saliva in a little scope to look for a pattern that indicates ovulation. (apparantly, a woman who is ovulating, her saliva dries in a fern like pattern as opposed to blotching random patterns) I've used it before and it's never been really defined. Even in those times I thought I was sposed to be ovulating. (14 day rule thing) Sooooo this month..period comes late...( 4 days) and I'm bummed...(damn Mom Nature)

So today it's a couple days later...I'm still flowing...and I'm sitting in the car waiting for a friend and I'm bored and rummaging in my purse. I find my scope and say to myself..what the hell...let's test our spit. And damnded if it wasn't fern patterned all over the damn place!!

So...this is the question... is this a load of hooey?? Has anyone heard this before? Or have issues w/ not ovulating on their 14th day?? If this test is correct..I'm ovulating now! AND have my period!! How is this possible???

Any help is appreciated as I'm confuzzeled now.

"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin

"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles

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