Thread: Aftermath
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Old 04-04-2004, 05:01 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Posts: 449

"Mark? Mark! Are you listening to a word I am say?"

Looking up, Mark sees Mrs Smyter standing directly in front of him. He had been lost in thought again.

"Sorry, ma'am." He says politely, his face blushing. Mrs Smyter gives him a sympathetic smile.

"I know my lessons can be a little boring, dear but please try and pay attention."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am."

Try as he might, he finds he cannot get his mother out of his head. He still cannot believe what they have been doing or the strange feelings he gets when he thinks of her. And looking at the girls do not help. A smile or a certain look immediately reminds him of his mother. Even the look of Mrs Smyter's face.

Making a concentrated effort, Mark manages to get through the rest of the morning without further mishap. Finally it's lunchtime and he goes in search for his friend, Sunil.

"Have you seen Sunil anywhere?" He asks a boy.

"Nah. "

"I have." Answers another. "I saw him with Sharon McDouglas a few minutes ago. 'Round by the science block."

"Thanks." And Mark heads off. He had only seen his friend once that day and he wanted to talk about what they have been doing. He wonders how Sunil is coping with it.

On reaching the science block though, Mark finds that Sunil isn't there. Venturing further, he decides to go round behind it.

*Giggle* "Sunil. What's got into you?"

Mark stops and listens to the voices coming round the corner.

"It's okay, Sharon. I just wanted up to spend some time together."

Sunil's voice!

"Ohhh. It's how you want to spend time with me. Oh God!"

Unable to resist, Mark pokes his head around the corner and sees Sunil and Sharon in a passionate kiss. Surprised, he pulls back.

He can't believe it! Sunil and Sharon McDouglas? She has always told him to rack off before.

"Ohhhh, Sunil You are so hard. But we shouldn't be doing this here. What if someone sees?"

"Shhh! Just go with the flow."

The realisation at what they could be doing makes his own cock throb and with his defences weakened, imagines of his naked mother flood his mind.

Suddenly wishing to be alone, he heads out of school...
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