Thread: Aftermath
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Old 03-29-2004, 05:49 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617

Breakfast dishes done and everyone off to either school or work, Janice dressed and let herself out of the house and walked the two blocks to her friend's. She really wasn't sure where she would begin to explain to Devi, but she was this was something she needed to do -- even if it was just to say out loud the things she had been trying to avoid.

"Knock, knock!" Jan called out as she opened the door. "I'm here, Devi. I hope the coffee's on."

"It is. Be right down!" Devi called from upstairs. "Pour us a cup, will you?"

Janice walked into the kitchen and took two mugs from the cupboard, pouring them brimful and setting them on the table. She looked around while she waited, this room as well as the living room had an unkempt look about it. This was so not Devi, Jan thought, wondering if she was having as much of a problem as she herself, but that thought was quickly dispelled by the younger woman's ebullient entrance.

"There you are!" Devi sashayed into the room, her dark hair shining, though still damp from her recent shower, and her café au lait colored skin appearing to glow as if the sparkle in her eyes reflected off it. "It's so good to see you! It seems like ages! Now tell me what this is all about? You sounded fairly upset yesterday."

Jan returned the generous hug and the two women sat down on opposite sides of the table. Taking a sip of her coffee, Jan looked at Devi and smiled. She just seemed to be overflowing.

"So tell me... How are things going with you? You know... " Janice asked tentatively.

Devi sat up and leaned her elbows on the table as she began to talk. "At first I thought Raji was going to be jealous, you know? You know how he is." She grinned and winked conspiratorially while Jan merely nodded, her hopes of getting anything remotely helpful from her friend fading quickly.

"Janice. The sex has been fantastic! I never imagined having two men at once. Just thinking about it has got me all randy again." Devi's wiggle emphasized her enthusiasm. "Has Jack joined you and Mark yet?"

"Umm... " She didn't know what to say or how to respond. Jan had truly hoped to find someone to commiserate with, but it seemed that was not going to be the case.

Devi blinked and had the sensibility to blush, realizing her gaffe. "Oh, Jan. I am sorry. It's not that way for you, is it? Tell me. Let me help."

Unsure where to begin, Jan explained how it had started badly but how her reaction to the whole ordeal had changed. She told Devi how she worried about Mark's mental well-being as well as her own. How she thought she had totally lost it and how their relations had changed to something... more.

"Janice," the young Indian woman began. "I know you aren't like me, but I know you like sex." She giggled. "Is it that hard to just enjoy it? Sunil is... yummy doesn't describe it."

"Devi... "

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. How does Jack feel about this? How does Mark??"

Jan looked up at Devi. "Jack doesn't know what's been going on really. Mark? I haven't the faintest idea. He probably thinks I am some sort of degenerate."

"You're not a newlywed, Janice. Can't you tell whether he likes it or not? Sunil is like a wild man. He can't get enough now he has had his first taste." Devi put her hand on Jan's arm and sighed. Despite how she herself felt, she knew that this was beyond disturbing to her friend, and that bothered her. "Look, Jan. You are going to have to talk to Jack and somehow talk to Mark. If you are this disturbed, then that is the only thing to do. What if you took Mark and went up to the cabin for a couple of days? Maybe being alone without anyone else around will help the two of you work things out."

"Maybe. Maybe... " She wasn't sure, but Devi had definitely planted a seed of thought in her mind. If she wasn't pregnant when she went for her check-up that's what she would do. Yes. It couldn't damage things any more than they already were.
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