Thread: Aftermath
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Old 03-25-2004, 09:27 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617

Shopping finished, Janice returned home to put the groceries away and start dinner while the twins did their homework. Despite the injunction by the government that she and others had been mandated to obey, Jan had decided to forgo her "session" with Mark this evening. She and Jack had barely had a moment alone since this whole thing had come down on them and she had a lot of things to work out -- and if that wasn't the understatement of the millenium, she didn't know what was.

Jack reminded her over coffee later that evening that he would be over the road for a couple of days, something she had put completely out of her mind. It wouldn't be fair of her to ask him to try to take a short haul, but she considered it more than once as the evening progressed. Jan just didn't trust her instincts right now. Maybe a talk with Devi would put her fears at rest. Yes, that's what she would do. Tomorrow. Definitely.

That decided, she put the twins to bed and hoped to find the words she needed to tell Jack how she felt. Talk to him about the strange feelings she was having. How she thought she had finally lost her mind and her about her fear that she was doing more harm to Mark than good. Walking into the living room, Janice called her husband's name, only to have him snore in reply. Maybe it was for the best. He didn't need to be worrying about this when he should be concentrating on his driving.

"So much for plans," Janice whispered as she kissed her husband's balding pate and gently slipped the newspaper he was still holding out of his hands. She'd been trying desperately to put the sexual aspect of her sessions with Mark out of her mind, had truly hoped that Jack would give her that respite she needed just now.

Mark had hovered about uncertainly for a while, but she had finally sent him up to his own bed with a gentle kiss and a "Go rest... School in the morning." Truth be told, Jan planned to skip the morning session as well -- at least until she had a talk with her friend.
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