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Old 03-04-2004, 08:56 AM
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Re: Ginger

Originally posted by HarleyRider6769

Sugarsprinkels , I am sorry for your delima I am sure you have search your heart and soul for a long time for what to do . I am not Judging you. I have a thought I have a friend who Has the same problem your Hubby has He had an Implant put in and it has a pump and all he has to do is pump it up and go for it...He says it will stay up as long as she want it to Btw He is 60 something and his wife is in her later 20's and they had a child about two yrs ago .

HR, Thanks for the suggestion. I do realize there are options out there and have made sure hubby knows about them. The problem is he has no desire whatsoever, and seems quite resigned to living the rest of his life this way. The men who get the implants and use other remedies still want sex but just can't get an erection. He not only can't get an erection, he doesn't care that he can't. That's the crux of the matter. He not only doesn't care, but doesn't understand why I do and thinks I shouldn't care either. *sigh*

He's 57, I'm 55. We haven't had sex since we were 43 and 41. We can expect to live another 20 to 30 yrs. I can't face living the rest of those years without any physical affection, even if he can.
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