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Old 03-02-2004, 05:24 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Just So Ya'll Know

Originally posted by HarleyRider6769
You Miss the Point , I do not believe Homosexuality is OK , and I will not allow My kids to be made to think it is , By allowing Gay marrage it is OKing a Life style that , Is wrong . I am not a Religious Person But I do Believe in the Bible , It is in Numerious Places the Homosexuality is an Abomanation to God , Ever Heard Of Sodom And Gomora .

Well I am a religious person and I ask you this...

Ever heard of Jesus?

He teaches us to love thy neighbor, but love your enemy as well. When asked what the most important commandment was He answered, "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is NO other commandment GREATER than these." There is no asterisk there with a note at the bottom of the page reading 'except for the following people...' It is all inclusive.

No I do not think Me Teaching My Kids that this or any other thing is wrong will Damage them , No More than teaching them Not to Lie , steal , cheat , kill , or any other of the things that are very Plainly spelled out as wrong in the Bible .

The things you just mentioned can directly harm another person. Homosexuality does not. There is a huge difference between murder and loving someone of the same sex. It has been my experience that many that oppose homosexuality are transfixed on the sexual act instead of what these people do with the other 99% of their lives.

Let me clear up one Important fact in your Post You said there was a Time when Blacks could not Vote in this Country...It was not only Blacks but "ANYONE" Who did not own land , Whites included .

Allow me to clear it up even further... Whites males, landowning or not, were all allowed to vote AND given equal access to public facilities before blacks were. In 1965 President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act which pledged Federal enforcement of equal access to voting ballots, particularly in the south because they were not being allowed to vote even though they had that right.

I wrap up this post with a request in the interest of maintaining civil discussion in this thread. This thread is not about the things you hate about liberals, so please refrain from the off topic attacks on everything from the media to Ruby Ridge.
Put me on wheels and I'll turn tricks.

Clever? Nah, I ran out of that years ago. But if you find this, let me know, k?
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In memory of my friend skip...
Go then, there are other worlds than these
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