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Old 02-27-2002, 03:33 PM
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Irish, I couldn't agree more! I think that society, as it's grown and developed...(I'll never say it's evolved because I wouldn't call the violence and inhumanity of people today evolving on any level!!!) has become more and more a society of "look out for #1, and to hell with the rest!" It's a case of people not stopping to think how their words and actions affect the people around them. Growing up in a small town that was very much a "click town" rather than a "hick town", I learned early on in life to keep to myself rather than submit myself to the cruelty of others. I was actually grateful for the fact that I grew up on a farm 40 miles from town so I didn't have to put up with the "me" morons outside of school hours. However, you try dealing with that type of people 8 hours a day (between school and bus rides) and see how nasty you grow up to be!!!

Now....I can't be bothered to pay attention to people like that. I have become a person that speaks her mind when I think that the opinions and actions of others are wrong....and I'm definitely not afraid to back up my convictions if necessary. I stand up for myself and those around me when the inhumane decide to strike out.

As our mothers always used to say to us, I'm sure...."why can't you all just get along?" I know I would appreciate my childhood, and my life now, more if others had learned that lesson!
Do what cums naturally!
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