Thread: Bisexuality
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Old 12-05-2003, 01:40 AM
Virgin Teen Virgin Teen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 74
Hi Cassiopeia. I'm very much of a lurker... I've been checking out the (excellent) stories and recently in the last few months the forums too. I don't pretend to know a lot, I'm only 18 and I have no experience with men or women, but I do know matters of the heart and maybe I can tell you how I feel and that may help you know how you feel. That's the idea anyway, lol.

Well, I consider myself a bisexual. I've never physically been with either sex (I've been involved but that would take too long to explain right here), but I know I have the ability to love a woman just as much as I could a man. It's not about gender at the end of the day. Things are rearranged differently, but people are still people. You could be with a man that's quite feminine, or a woman quite masculine, and all that really changes is appearance, temperament and personality, but as everyone's unique anyhow... I don't think it really matters.

It's really about preference. If you were straight you wouldn't fancy every man. Bisexuals can like men and women - some at the same time, some more than others... Personally, I think I haven't met the right women yet. I find women attractive and I think we're much more appealing to look at than men are, but I've loved men. I didn't need to have sex with them to be in love. I've never loved a woman in that way. But I can visualise being with a woman, or with a man, and neither bothers me.

Sexuality isn't really a question about who you'd like to have sex with more, but about who could imagine being with. Dating, spending time with, living with, marrying, having children, growing old together, etc. or whatever you as a person feels comfortable with. Sex is an act, but love is something to cherish.

Hope my first post made some sense. I've been awake all night... Hi all, btw!
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