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Old 11-26-2003, 06:37 PM
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Irish,You are right about the justice system in this country.Unfortunately money talks.But this is a symptem of the fact that America has been under the influence of a conservative idealogy for far to long.It simply means that the rich have a different standard than the rest of us.this truth was apperant during the O.J. Simpson trial as well.Before the trial even got started,the judge declaired that the death penality would not be appropraite in this case.WHY? If he was found guilty of murdering two people,why would it not be approprite???? We have lived under a double standarded set up by a very conservative minority for far to long.It is high time that equal justice for all be the rule.I'am not saying that the death penalty is a good thing,but I certainaly took notice when O.J. was exempt from it even before the trial began just because he had the money to get off and the name recoginition to forgo the formalties that others would have to face in the same situation.As you said before,money can buy the type of justice you will recieve in a criminal court. So we'll just have to sit back and see what Michael Jackson's trial will be like.If I can commend one conservative republican for doing the right thing,it would be Gov.Ryan of Illinois for putting a moritoriam on the death penality.Because he realized it was being abused.Of course,Michael Jackson has not comitted any capital offense,but the same rules of justice do apply.
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