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Old 11-22-2003, 03:33 PM
naughtyangel naughtyangel is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 888
I'm glad Burger King is actually doing something about this. It's about time that business and other people start to realize that breastfeeding is the most natural thing between a mother and child! I feel bad that the mother in question felt the need to leave the restaurant after the employee comment. I personally would have politely told said employee to "stuff it" and continued to feed my baby. In no way would I let myself be forced to feed my child in the bathroom (*blech*!). I'm sure they wouldn't ask a regular patron to eat their burger in the bathroom!

Gee, I'm getting all worked up here LOL. I recieved my fair share of disapproving looks while breastfeeding my son. The older he got, the worse and more frequent they became I'm just glad I'm didn't let my child's well being get pushed aside by society's idea of what's acceptable.

*stepping down from my soapbox now*
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