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Old 11-20-2003, 08:19 AM
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m45 m45 is offline
Wildland Fire Fighter
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: The Great SW
Posts: 1,468
RIGHT! And you think we should protect and perpetuate these dummies?

Well excuse the hell out of me for doing what I do

I have been in the fire and rescue business for 25 years and a HUGE part of our lives is PREVENTION!!!

If I can Prevent JUST ONE insedent then I have done what I have been trained to do for most of my life!

We deal with stupid shit like this everyday of the week. Shit that most of us know better then to do is done by some fool everyday.

Come on.......cut me a big fat f'in break and trust that I'm not so stupid

I never said that you were stupid or anyone here for that matter and NO I can't account for all the ass holes on the planet.

HOWEVER if I can Prevent ONE INJURY I have done what I do.
I Have done this for years and WILL CONTINUE to do so..

If all parents thought and acted like you guys we'd be out of jobs.
Ya right...

PREVENTION is the KEY and our job is PERVENTION!!!

You are going to die someday

NO SHIT? That is news to me....
Love Them Little Tits

Pixie's Wildland Fire Fighter
Find'em HOT and Leave'em WET!
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