Thread: Aftermath
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:58 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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I guess you've never... erm... done it?" His mother asks him.

For a moment, the boy wonders if there is something wrong with him since he hasn't. Does his mother think he should have done?

In reply, he shakes his head.

"Well, I can't say I'm an all-out expert, Mark -- but we don't have to worry about the subtleties of it -- that isn't what the government requires of us. We just have to make a baby is all." He feels her hand on his cheek as she looks at him.

"I want to be sure that you are going to be okay with this, Mark. Nothing is worth your unhappiness to me. Do you understand? Nothing."

Marks looks away as he says "I'm... okay."

To be honest, he is not sure how he feels. He should feel angry at them for making him do this. For making his mother do this and he does. But then he remembers her touch and he flushes at the memory.

"Okay. Now I need you to come up here on top of me."

The boy feels his throat go dry. They are actually going to 'do it'.
Closing his eyes, he lets her guide him on top of her, feeling her moving her legs apart to allow him to settle in.

For a moment he pauses as he feels her move underneath him. Then he feels her touch his erection, causing him to almost gasp at the contact.

"Okay, now... " She says quietly. "I'm going to guide your penis to the entrance of my vagina. You have to lift up and move back a bit... "

He moves back.

"A little lower... "

He moves back even further.

"Just... a... little... more... "

He feels her hand push his penis down until he feels something brushing against his tip.


He finds himself shivering as he realises that he is pressing against his mother's vagina. That for the first time in his life, his cock is actually touching a woman's cunt.

"It's okay. Now just push yourself forward."

His eyes still firmly clenched shut, he pushes down. Bearing his cock's head against his mother's opening.

But nothing happens.

"Push, baby." She tells him.

He does but still nothing happens...
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