Thread: Aftermath
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Old 10-26-2003, 08:23 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617

Janice could feel her son trembling as he lay beside her. How incredibly selfish she'd been with her feelings! It just hadn't occurred to her how much this really would affect Mark. Well, she had considered it but not to the same extent as she had thought about herself. She'd been just too busy wallowing in her own self pity.

"It's okay, Mark" she said softly as she turned on her side to caress his face. Jan tried to smile brightly -- she didn't want Mark to think that she was repulsed by him. It had nothing to do with him. It had everything to do with what the governments of the world were requiring them to do.

Janice needed to help Mark get started. The sooner they started, the sooner it would all be over with. She moved her hand from her son's face to his arm and gave him a slight tug. "Over here."

The look on his face almost brought tears to her eyes, but Jan fought to hold them back as she helped her son to position himself between her legs. Finally, he was sort of half laying/half propped over her and she waited. And waited. It took her a few minutes to realize that Mark wasn't moving! In fact, Mark wasn't doing anything at all! Just hovering over her with his eyes closed and shaking.

Jack was supposed to talk to him! He had promised that he would. It was with a sickening feeling that Janice realized that her son didn't know what he was supposed to do at all. She should have taken the time to talk to him herself, but she had thought it would be easier man-to-man.

Okay. What was she supposed to do now? What should she do? Janice thought back to the love-making sessions she'd had with her husband over the years. It always started with touching and kissing -- but this wasn't love-making, was it? This was just plain mating.

Placing her hands on either side of her son's face, she pulled him close and kissed his forehead. "Let me... help you," she whispered as she closed her eyes and reached down between them. Jan struggled not to shudder when her fingertips grazed against Mark's penis. Closing her hand around it, she shifted to make herself more accessible.

Sweet heavens! He wasn't even hard! Now what? God in heavens! Now what???
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