Thread: Clones
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Old 09-28-2003, 05:01 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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OK....clone #1 set me straight!

Would I sleep with my "me clone"? Yes....from sheer curiousity as to how I smell and feel and taste (not that I haven't tasted me before, mind you!) And......I've got this really long tongue (so do you all, as human tongues are far longer than most can stick them out...I just happen to be able to stick mine out really, really far!)...and I want to use it for just one other reason than the apparently obvious one!

Would I be jealous if my other me slept with someone I wanted to? Let's just assume there actually someone I haven't slept with that I want to...and my other me does it first...(for arguments sake)......I think I would feel as though I did it anyway....knowing everything about her is within me! And another reason I wouldn't be jealous in this particular situation....I'd feel more sisterly with my clone than anything (her being blood of my blood and all)....and I'd share anything with my sisters! Specially my baby sis...and I'd kinda consider "other me" like a baby-baby sis!

Would this make me horny? I think I covered that with the tounge answer! Duh! LOL! *dripping as I type....eek!*

See? I'm not always a clown! I can be deep when I wanna!

So....why do you ask hun? Have you made a clone you ain't telling us about???

*Is it just me or does anyone else ever feel like a science experiment under glass..when a new member asks these sort of questions?* LOL!
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