Thread: Clones
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Old 09-28-2003, 12:56 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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Originally posted by Oldfart
Narcissus died for his love of himself.

Would you get jealous of yourself if the clone slept with

someone you wanted to sleep with?

Do you think you are good enough to sleep with yourself?

The more I read him.....^^^^^^........the deeper he gets.....and it's all the better for making me stop and think!

Oldfart? You make me remember things I thought I forgot! TY for that! *hugs*

As to the question? Um.......I don't like the idea of a clone of me......but I'm stuck on a line in a song from the soundtrack "A Star is Born".....where Barbara (Esther) sings......."Id like to have the perfect who'd go out, as I came in"..........and I'm combining responses from this and another thread I replied to earlier today.......and I've said, if I discover I've missed an opportunity...I'll try to make up for it, at times to extremes. So, I'd prolly have 16 clones of myself when I discovered one couldn't handle all the things I am sure I am missing!

Wait.......what was the question? I'll have my secretary (my first clone of me) take it down....and I'll be back to give a more distinct answer! LMAO!
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