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Old 06-20-2003, 03:43 AM
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FussyPucker FussyPucker is offline
Prince of Pervs
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: England
Posts: 2,612
Thank yous part II - I had to go do some work

GingerV - I spent the last 30 mins of my 'actual' birthday tlaking to Lou so ya can't get much better than that..........well apart from this coming weekend when I'll actually be WITH lou YAY for me !

Sarriah - Thanks super sexy one *smooooch* I'll ask Lou to spank me extra hard from you

Scarecrow - LOL HEY I'm hoping she tries her best to wear me out

Teddy Bear - hehee thanks

Summer - LOL Thanks summer Thanks! All us Geminis should stick together and go our seperate ways

Steph - OMG don't mention the 30th ! it's still far away.......honest....breathe Fussy relax you're still under 30 hehehe sorry to all you over 30's

bigs hugs and sloppy kisses (with tongue for the girls) to everyone for the birthday wishes.

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't...

Sarcasm: It's not big and it's not clever...........but it's funny as fuck!

The Special One!
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