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Old 05-05-2003, 12:55 PM
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Aqua Aqua is offline
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Originally posted by babybunny
Sorry for mentioning that. It is just hard on ones eyes when all I see is:

Do U liek Secs? Me adn my GF luv it 4 howrz...


If it is because someone is just not all that graceful with a keyboard... hey, we can see past it. We're not here to compare, grade, or judge anyone's grammatical prowess.

If, however, someone types that way in an effort to be 'clever' or what have you... please save it for the forums where it is accepted. I hav no d3sir3 2 d3cph3r posts lik3 this... u c whut I m33n.
Put me on wheels and I'll turn tricks.

Clever? Nah, I ran out of that years ago. But if you find this, let me know, k?
"The road goes ever on..." ~ Tolkien

In memory of my friend skip...
Go then, there are other worlds than these
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